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1. 日本电影 a. 黑泽明征服世界 b. 菊与刀 2. 商业电影怎么走:从印度到韩国 a.“宝莱坞”的兴衰史 b.韩国电影的法宝 3. 伊朗和越南电影 a. 伊朗 b. 越南
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◼ 8237A的工作方式 ◼ 8237A寄存器组的作用 ◼ 8237A寄存器组的编程
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一.判断线性系统 x(n) y(n) T[] 如果y(n)=[x1(n),y2(n)=T[x2(n) 有 Ta1x1(n)+a2x2(n)=a1[x1(n)+a2T[x2(n) 则系统为线性系统
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第五章数组和广义表 引言: 线性表:L=(al,a,an),ai是同类型的元素,1≤i≤n 数组:A=(a,aan)
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The Europeanisation of private law is very much a topical theme. And although this theme no longer very new, it has, in the last three years, developed a new dynamic. Anyone taking it up with the intention or hope of keeping up with the pace of legal policy development and remaining on top of the current stage of the academic debate is letting himself in for a race in which he will inevitably feel like the unfortunate hare which, despite all its efforts, kept on
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一、迭代法的收敛阶 xn+1=z(xn)得到的序列{xn}收敛于a.若存在常数p≥1和正常数使得由定义1设a市方程x=z(x)的根(或不动点)当x充分接近a时,由公式
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P70. 13.1一带电量为q,半径为rA的金属球A,与一原先不带电、内外半径分别为rB 和rC的金属球壳B同心放置,如图所示,则图中P点的电场强度如何?若用导线将A和 B连接起来,则A球的电势为多少?
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4.4向量空间 1.向量空间:设V是具有某些共同性质的n维向量的集合,若 对任意的a,B∈V,有a+B∈V;(加法封闭) 对任意的a∈V,k∈R,有ka∈V.(数乘封闭) 称集合为向量空间
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一、8255A的工作原理 二、8255A的应用举例
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AEROSPACE What is Strategy? A strategy is a plan, method, or series of actions designed to achieve a specific goal or effect (Wordsmyth, 2001)
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