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Chapter 20-Learning Objectives Understand the philosophy of total quality management(TQM) Be able to distinguish between defect prevention and defect detection strategies for the management of qualit Be able to distinguish random variation from assignable variation Understand the fundamentals of statistical process control charts
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Section 1 sampling error of mean Section 2 t distribution Section 3 confidence intervals for the population mean
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Chapter 18-Learning Objectives Describe the trend, cyclical, seasonal, and irregular components of the time series model Fit a linear or quadratic trend equation to a time series Smooth a time series with the centered moving average and exponential smoothing techniques
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湖南科技学院:《体育统计学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第七章 方差分析(平均数的多重比较、方差分析在体育中的应用)
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第一节集中位置量数 第二节离中位置量数
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一、回归分析的概念 二、回归分析在体育研究中的功能
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总体均值的检验 总体比率的检验 总体方差的检验
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:102KB 文档页数:34
第一节相对数 第二节动态分析 第三节动态分析方法在体育中的应用
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