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General Consideration Definition The separation of the placenta from its site of implantation after 20 weeks of gestation or during the course of delivery Frequency 0.51%0-2.33%(our country) 1%o(other countries) Incidence of fetal death
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异常分娩的诊治要点 1产前诊断 2产时诊断 3注重病因学诊断
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General Consideration Diabetes mellitus complicating pregnancy Diabetes mellitus is diagnosed before this pregnancy Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) Carbohydrate intolerance of varying degree of severity with onset or first recognition during pregnancy
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Definition PROM is defined as the rupture of the chorioamniotic membrane before the onset of labor
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Dystocia literally means difficult labor and it is characterized by abnormally slow progress of labor It is the consequence of four distinct abnormalities that may exist singly or combination
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Definition of pregnancy Pregnancy is defined as the course of embryo and fetal growth and development in uterine It begain at the fertilization and end the delivery of the fetal and it's attachment
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妊娠滋养细胞疾病:来源于胎盘绒毛滋养细胞 的疾病,包括葡萄胎、侵蚀性葡萄胎、绒癌和 一类少见的胎盘部位滋养细胞肿瘤
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Major causes of death for pregnancy women ( maternal mortality) Postpartum hemorrhage (28%) · heart diseases pregnancy-induced hypertension (or Amniotic fluid embolism) infection
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MENOPAUSE 1. The cessation of menses is menopause. The climacteric and perimenopausal are the periods of waning ovarian function
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Topics today 一、Normal puerperium 二、Diseases of puerperium 三、 Ectopic pregnancy 四、 Abortion
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