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Part I: Fill-In-The-Blanks(10\2=20 points) 1. The branch of accounting which aims at serving external users is called accounting 2. A credit entry decreases asset and accounts or increases liabi owner's equity, and revenue accounts
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Part I: Fill-In-The-Blanks(10\2=20 points 1. The three common forms of business organizations are 2. The difference between the increases(including the beginning balance)and decreases
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1.元月1日,该公司所有者丁一和丁二各向公司投入资本2500000元; 2.元月2日,预付半年房租共计12000元; 3.元月3日,公司购入汽车一部,15万元,款项已经支付。该汽车预计使用年限为8年,无残值 4.3月3日,向XYZ公司购入商品50000件,@7元,货款未付; 5.5月8日,购入办公用品一批,500元,用银行存款支付
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I.考查目标 教育学专业基础综合考试涵盖教育学原理、中外教育史、教育心理学和教育研究方法等学科基础课 程。要求考生系统掌握上述教育学学科的基本理论、基本知识和基本方法,能够运用所学的基本理论
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一、自感电动势自感 穿过闭合电流回路的磁通量=L 1、自感L=I
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第一单元同步强化测试 I. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1 his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others. A. Unlike B. Liking C. Alike D. Dislike
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Solving recurrences The analysis of merge sort from Lecture I required us to solve a recurrence Recurrences are like solving integrals erential equations, etc o Learn a few tricks Lecture 3: Applications of recurrences
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Ch.8 Nonspherical Disturbance This chapter will assume that the full ideal conditions hold except that the covari- ance matrix of the disturbance, i.e. E(EE)=02Q2, where Q is not the identity matrix. In particular, Q may be nondiagonal and / or have unequal diagonal ele- ments Two cases we shall consider in details are heteroscedasticity and auto-
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第一章概述 1计算机系统和系统结构 一、计算机系统的组成 由硬件和软件组成。 1.硬件:可视为多种资源: (1)处理信息资源CPU; (2)存储信息资源—存储器; (3)交换信息资源I/O设备。 2.软件:即程序 (1)系统软件:各用户共同使用,如操作系统(OS),编译/解释程序,汇编程序,诊断程序等 (2)应用软件:为解决用户问题编写的程序
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Countryside Part I Listening and Speaking Activities. Part l Reading comprehension and language Activities Part l Extended activities
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