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Section A There's a Lot More to Life than a Job Section B What Yougsters Expect in Life Section C What Life Is like Ehen Out of Work
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Section A Lighten Your Load and Save your Life Section B Are You a Workaholic? Section C A Bank Robbery
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Section A Face to Face with Guns Section B Should I Have a Gun? Section C A Bank Robbery
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1 Crime has its own cycles, magazine some years ago. Police records that were studied for five years from over 2,400 cities and towns show a surprising link between changes in the seasons and crime patterns. July and August,as do rape and other violent attacks. Murder,moreover, is more than seasonal it is a weekend crime. It is also a nighttime crime: 62 percent of murders are
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System compensation is the process of designing a controller that will produce an acceptable transient response while maintaining a desired steady-state accuracy .These two design objectives are conflicting in most systems ,since small errors imply high gains reduce system stability and may even drive the system unstable .Compensation may be thought of as the process of increasing the stability of a system without reducing its accuracy below minimum acceptable standards
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激光器基本组成包括:工作物质、谐振腔和泵浦系统三大部分 (A laser medium, suitable optical feedback elements, and a pumping process.) 激光器的组成 (Essential elements of a laser)
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Reasons for simulation being underutilized • Simulation modeling is a time-consuming and knowledge/information intense process • Most models developed are customized “rigid” models that cannot be reused or easily adapted to other even similar problems (Arons 1999, 2000; Zhou 2004) • Conceptual modeling is a critical step that directly affects the quality and efficiency of simulation projects, but hardly supported with current technology, and still a very difficult and ad-hoc process that depends on the skill and experience of individual modelers (Mclean, 2001; Robinson, 2004)
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Reasons for simulation being underutilized • Simulation modeling is a time-consuming and knowledge/information intense process • Most models developed are customized “rigid” models that cannot be reused or easily adapted to other even similar problems (Arons 1999, 2000; Zhou 2004) • Conceptual modeling is a critical step that directly affects the quality and efficiency of simulation projects, but hardly supported with current technology, and still a very difficult and ad-hoc process that depends on the skill and experience of individual modelers (Mclean, 2001; Robinson, 2004)
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搜索是人工智能中的一个基本问题,并与推理密切相关,搜索策略的优劣,将直接影响到智能系统的性能与推理效率。 5.1 搜索的基本概念 5.1.1 搜索的含义 5.1.2 状态空间法 5.1.3 问题归约法 5.2 状态空间的盲目搜索 5.2.1 一般图搜索过程 5.2.2 广度优先和深度优先搜索 5.2.3 代价树搜索 5.3 状态空间的启发式搜索 5.3.1 启发性信息和估价函数 5.3.2 A算法 5.3.3 A*算法 5.3.4 A*算法应用举例 5.4 与/或树的盲目搜索 5.5 与/或树的启发式搜索 5.6 博弈树的启发式搜索
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