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TWo Levels of Planning ystems Planning Gives managers, Users, and Information Systems Personnel Projects Establishes what should be done Sets a budget for the total cost of these projects o Systems Project planning Setting a plan for the development of each specific systems project
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Recall the definition of stress: o stress =\intensity of internal force at a point\ Figure 3.1 Representation of cross-section of a general body
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5.1单片机扩展的基本概念 5.2存储器的扩展 5.2I/O接口扩展电路设计
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Tri-State Buffer There are two application area for the Tri-State Buffer Internal Tri-State- Buffer Logic need a Tri-State Buffer within Device External Tri-State Buffer Logic need a Tri-State Buffer at the/O pin What Altera can provide Altera will implement Internal Tri-State Buffer with MUX
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General types of water pollutants Disease-causing agents(Pathogens) Oxygen-consuming agents Plant nutrients Toxic substances Heavy metals Pesticides Dissolved solids o acids
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1.你知道电子的波函数和s,p,df四个量子数吗? 2.你知道H2O的结构吗?试绘出。 3.你对“毒酒”和“毒大米”等食品问题是否感到恐慌?原因? 4.对该课程的建议和要求
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表演实验:振荡反应 主要反应物:H2O2,KIO3 其他:丙二酸,MnSO4,H2SO4,淀粉等 化学反应方程式:
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一、选择题(单项选择共20分,答案写在答卷纸上。) 1.用浓度为c(mol/L)的KMnO4标准溶液分别滴定体积相等的FeSO4和H2C2O4溶液,消耗KMnO4的体积相等,则说明两溶液的浓度C(mol/L)的关系是:
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在第二、三章中我们讨论了化学反应速率和化学平衡(包括均相和异相反应)。我们 把其中的水溶液中进行的化学平衡,特别把溶液中共同存在的H3O+离子(hydrated hydrogen ion)和OH-离子(hydroxide ion)作为第四章的主要讨论对象
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1、概述 概念:酰基、酰化、酰化剂 2、N-酰化 反应历程、各种酰化剂的反应 3、O-酰化 用羧酸的酯化 4、C-酰化 制备芳酮、芳醛、芳酸
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