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病史摘要 钱玲,女,6岁5月。因“面色苍白10月余”入院。住院号:123672 04年5月起觉面色苍白、头晕、乏力,无反复发热、呕血黑便、皮疹及骨关节疼痛。 04.7.1~04.7.14住浦东儿童医学中心 查体:面色苍白,皮肤无明显皮疹,浅表LN及肝脾无明显肿大; 血常规:BC14.2*10/L,Hb58g/L,Plt617*10/L,mcv62.9fl,mch20.4pg
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严重急性呼吸综合征(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,SARS)是一种由新型冠状病毒引起并具有 较强传染性的呼吸道疾病。目前认为其主要通过飞沫、 分泌物和密切接触传播。人群普遍易感,危害性极大。 我国称之为“传染性非典型肺炎
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影像学检查已是诊新诸多胰腺疾病首选的和主 要的方法。随着CT、MR、ERCP和超声技术的发 畏,胰腺疾病的影像学诊新已取得了很大的迸展 。通过选择合适的检查手段、综合各项成像技术 ,大部分胰腺疾病都可获得比较明确的诊断
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胎盘早剥 Obstetrics is\bloody business Even though the maternal mortality rate has been reduced dramatically by hospitalization for delivery and the availability of blood for transfusion, death from hemorrhage remains prominent in the majority reports From willams obstetrics
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General considerations Definition In placenta previa, the placenta is implanted in the lower uterine segment and located over the internal os. It constitutes an obstruction of descent of the presenting part. Main cause of obstetrical hemorrhage Incidence 0.24%-1.57% (our country)
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淋病( gonorrhea) 目前世界上发病率最高的性传播疾病 ,由淋病奈瑟菌引起,属革兰氏阴性 双球菌 淋菌特点是侵袭粘膜,以生殖、泌尿 系统粘膜的柱状上皮与移行上皮为主 喜潮湿,怕干燥
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Pregnancy-induced Hypertension syndrome (Hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy) Professor of obstetrics and gynecology
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Definition Placenta previa: Abnormal location- of the placenta over,orin close proximity to the internal os. Incidence: approximately 1 /250 pregnancy nulliparas: 1/1000~1/1500 pregnancy grandmultiparas: 1/20
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病因 一、影响因素 早婚早育、过早性生活、密产多产、 经济状况、种族、地理环境等 高危男子一阴茎癌、前列腺癌、前妻曾患宫颈 癌 二、人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)(HPV-16和/或18型) 单纯疱疹病毒型 人巨细胞病毒
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Normal Pregnancy Pregnand The course that the embryo and the fetus grow in the maternal body Stages f pregnancy Early pregnancy: $12 weeks Mid pregnancy:≥13 weeks,≤27 weeks Late pregnancy: 228 weeks Term pregnancy:≥37 weeks,<42 weeks
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