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◼ Introduction to the Immune System ◼ Artificial Immune Systems ◼ A Framework to Design Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) ◼ Representation Schemes ◼ Affinity Measures ◼ Immune Algorithms ◼ Discussion and Main Trends
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1. Context 2. The Mechanisms of Privacy Preserving 3. Applications under Differential Privacy 4. Our Current Research Works
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信息安全专业教学资源(讲稿)Artificial Immune Systems——An Emerging Technology
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⚫ Context of computer security problem ⚫ Brief summaries of computer security system ⚫ What is IDS? ⚫ Architecture and Classification of IDS ⚫ Intrusion detection techniques ⚫ My current research works ⚫ Questions and answer
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◆计算机科学与技术学科分类 ◆计算机学术组织 ◆研究生阶段学习 ◆学术诚信教育
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• Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems • The RSA Algorithm
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复旦大学:《信息安全》教学课件_03 Modern Block Ciphers
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复旦大学:《信息安全》教学课件_02 Classical Encryption Techniques(cont.)
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一、鉴别 1.鉴别的基本原理 2.鉴别依据 3.鉴别过程 4.用户注册
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报告内容 一、基本概念 二、防火配置模式 三、防火墙相关技术 四、几个新的方向
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