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(1) Multiple sequence alignment and progressive global alignment (ClustalW) (2) Find and model local multiple alignment (3) How to evaluate the quality of a PSSM?
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复旦大学:《营销管理》PPT课件讲义_The Global Marketplace
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一、地球系统的能量平衡 二、世界气候的异常现象与变化趋势 三、全球变暖趋势明显 四、气候变化对策 五、气候变暖问题的对策
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西安建筑科技大学:《水资源利用与保护》参考资料_Water resources in the world_Nutrient Overload-Unbalancing the Global Nitrogen Cycle
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Warm Up Global Reading Detailed Reading Text Appreciation Consolidation Activities Further Enhancement
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Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) Centre for Economic Policy Research 53-56 Great Sutton Street
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Activities 1. Global Reading Task • Scanning: reading for specific information • Answer the questions on page 9 to get the main idea of the text. • Text structure analysis
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Reading-Centred Activities 1. Global Reading Task Answer the questions on page 69to get the main idea of the text. Predicting an author’s ideas Analyze the text structure byquestion and answer technique
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Privatization and Self-Regulation as Tropes of Global Media Restructuring There is a power to language itself in affecting media reform around the world. The field of media regulation is filled with examples of strong ideas, encapsulated in words and phrases, that have an enormous impact on legislative transformation, and the export of which seems a characteristic of globalization. Just think of the ideology-laden tropes
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1 世纪议程 Agenda 21 (the international plan of action adopted by governments in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro Brazil(巴西里约), — provides the global consensus on the road map towards sustainable development) 世界环境日 World Environment Day (June
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