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Chapter one Introduction: 1.1 Defining Microeconomics 1.2 Economic Theories and Models(经济理论与模型) 1.3 The Mathematics of Optimization(数学最优化) 1.4 Demand-Supply Model Chapter 2 Consumer Behavior and Demand Theory 2.1 Preference and Utility 2.2 Utility Maximization and Choice 2.3 Income and Substitution Effects 2.4 Market Demand and Elasticity
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Chapter Six Monopoly : Market Power 垄断:市场力 Chapter 7 Monopolistic Competition (垄断竞争市场) Chapter 8 Oligopoly (寡头市场) Chapter 9 Game Theory
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Chapter 3 includes: • 3.1 Revealed Preference Theory(显示性偏好理论) • 3.2 Choice Under Uncertainty(不确定条件下的 选择理论) 4.1 Production Function 4.2 Cost Function 5.1 The Optimal Output Decision in the Short Run 5.2 The Optimal Output Decision in the Long Run
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Chapter one Introduction: 1.1 Defining Microeconomics 1.2 Economic Theories and Models(经济理论与模型) 1.3 The Mathematics of Optimization(数学最优化) 1.4 Demand-Supply Model Chapter 2 Consumer Behavior and Demand Theory 2.1 Preference and Utility 2.2 Utility Maximization and Choice 2.3 Income and Substitution Effects 2.4 Market Demand and Elasticity
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Chapter Three Consumer’s Behavior Theory: Further analysis(1) Chapter Four Production and Cost Function Chapter Five Perfect Competitive Market (1)完全竞争市场
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• Introduction • The welfare economics of market power • Profit Maximization • Perfect Competition • Efficiency • Market Power • Market Power and Public Policy • Theory of the firm • Neoclassical theory of the firm • Why do firms exists? • Limits to firm size • Do firms profit maximize? • Summary
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第一节 Elasticity of Demand 需求弹性 第二节 The Price Elasticity of Supply 供给的价格弹性 第三节 Application of Elasticity Theory 弹性理论的运用
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《概率论与数理统计》(Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics),由概率论和数理统计两部分组成。它是研究随机现象并 找出其统计规律的一门学科,是广泛应用于社会、经济、科学等各个领 域的定量和定性分析的科学体系
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吉林大学:《金融学》专题教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)The factor models and The Arbitrage Pricing Theory
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一、问题的提出 二、风险资产定价理论发展进程图示 三、圣.彼得堡悖论(st. Petersburg paradox) 四、亨利.马可维兹的投资组合理论(Harry Markowitz' Portfolio Theory) 五、资本资产定价模型(Capital Asset Pricing Model,capm 六、莫迪里安尼(Modigliani)和米勒()的资本结构定理,mMT 七、罗尔(Roll)和罗斯(Ross)的套利定价模型,APT 八、金融衍生品定价:远期、期货和期权的定价 九、几点评论
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