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I Teaching aims: 1. to learn the new words and expressions; 2. to improve reading skills 3. to analyze the structure of the text II.Teaching focus: 1.key words:
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I Teaching aims: 1. to learn the new words and expressions; 2. to improve reading skills 3. to analyze the structure of the text II.Teaching focus: 1.key words:
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萃取、冲洗和干燥:还没到结束不能算结束。藉由分液漏斗示 。 范液相-液相萃取并学习如何用”反应检查步骤”检查你的反应。这 是一个你不会想错失的一个纯化技巧! Extracting, Washing and Drying: It ain't over 'til it's over. Learn how to \work up\ your reaction using a separatory funnel to perform a liquid-liquid extraction. This is one purification technique you don't want to miss!
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In this lecture, we consider the problem of a body in which the mass of the body changes during the motion, that is, m is a function of t, i.e. m(t). Although there are many cases for which this particular model is applicable, one of obvious importance to us are rockets. We shall see that a significant fraction of the mass of a rocket is the fuel, which is expelled during flight at a high velocity and thus, provides the propulsive force for the rocket
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一、羧酸衍生物的结构 羧酸衍生物在结构上的共同特点是都含有酰基(-c),酰基与其 所连的基团都能形成P-π共轭体系。 (1)与酰基相连的原子的电负性都比碳大,故有-I效应
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1、假定有n个进程P(),P(1),…,P(n-1),数组元素a[i开始时被分配给进程P()试写 出求归约和a[0]+a[+…+a[n-1]的代码段,并以n=8示例之
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1.试证明:在奇偶归约算法中,如果对于所有i,满足g+(即对角占优),则 消去奇下标变量后的方程组仍具有对角占优的性质
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有时我们需要将内存中的一个字符串内的数字字符转换成二进制形式,或将一个二进制 数据转换成字符保存在内存中的一个字符串内C++系统的流库同样也为程序员提供了这种 功能,执行这种操作的类的等级如图8—2所示
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1、什么是有限元法?简述有限元法的基本思想。 2、如图1所示,受自重作用的等截面直杆的长度为L,截面积为A,弹性模量为E,单位长度的重量为q。将受自重作用的等截面直杆划分成3个等长的单元,将第i单元上作用的分布力作为集中载荷qL,到第1结点上,试按有限元法的思路求解
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《51单片机及其应用》课程电子教案(PPT课件讲稿)第四章 单片机I/O口的使用(MCS-51单片机的并行端口结构与操作)
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