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毛发作为人类特有的一种生理现象而恒古至今地存在 着,是人类外表美的一个重要组成部分,在某种程度上也反 映了一个人的文化素养、审美情趣,在历史上甚至也成为了 身份象征的组成部分。 头发是颅脑的最外保护层,可以保护头皮避免冻伤和日 晒,对外界的冲击力可以起到一定的缓冲作用。头发也是仪 的重要组成部分,好的发型可以弥补头部和面形的不足, 对于衬托人的容貌美起着十分重要的作用
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关于植物学拉丁文 拉丁文是二千多年前居住在欧洲亚平宁半岛上拉丁族的语言,该民族 在公元前753年建立了以罗马城为政治,经济和文化中心的奴隶制的国家一罗 马帝国。 公元前5-3世纪时,该国日益强大,并逐渐扩充其版图,统一了整个 意大利半岛,到公元一世纪时,占领了欧洲的大部分以及小亚细亚和北非的一 部分,形成了以地中海为中心,地跨欧,亚,非三洲的大国,拉丁语就成了这 些地方的官方语言
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一、利他行为概念 二、利他行为的生物基础与文化影响 三、利他行为的情境与认知因素 四、利他行为的情绪与人格因素
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一、儒家和法家都以建立和维持社会秩序为目的,区别只在于他们对于社会秩序的看法和达到这种理想的方法; 二、礼与法; 三、德与刑;
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National Motto of the United States In God We Trust The phrase derives from the line \And this be our motto. 'In God is our trust, \in the battle song that later became the U.S. national anthem, \The Star-Spangled Banner. \The phrase first appeared on U. S. coins in 1864 and became
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FOUR COLONY MODELS (3) Model of Maryland(Catholic) founder: the second Lord Baltimore; carried out his father's will in 1632 (His father George Calvert, with a granted charter in 1623 from the King but died before long.)
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Alexander Hamiton (1755~1804) Encarta Encyclopedia, Hulton Deutsch One of the boldest American political thinkers of his time. Hamilton developed the doctrine of implied powers, which supports liberal interpretation of the U.S Constitution. He also served as the nation's first secretary of the treasury
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FOUR COLONY MODELS (4) Model of Pennsylvania(Quaker founder: William Penn seeking a place for their religious belief which included people contact directly with God, the inner light, God is in everyone's soul simple but productive life, thrifty and self-denial)
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FOUR COLONY MODELS(1) Model of VIRGINIA (Jamestown 1607) Captain John Smith John Rolfe(married princess of an Indian tribe chief) House of Burgesses
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Thomas Hobbes 15884.5~1679.12.4) Encarta Encyclopedia, Archivo Iconografico, 5.A. Corbis English political philosopher and is best known for his treatise Leviathan Written during the mid-17th century amidst the tumult of the English
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