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一、萜类化合物(Terpenoids, Terpenes) 1.Defination: 松节油 (Terpentine) (C5H10)2
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Saccharides (or Carbohydrates): 糖类; 碳水化合物 衣,食,住,行 息息相关 Starch (淀粉): polysaccharides 能量 来源
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一、羧基中键长平均化 二、降低了羰基碳的电正性 羰基活性下降 三、不易发生亲核加成反应
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一、烃类化合物(Hydrocarbons) 二、脂肪族(Aliphatic) 三、芳香族(Aromatic) 四、烷烃烯烃炔烃脂环烃
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Isomers Have the same molecular formula. but different structures Constitutional Isomers Stereoisomers Differ in the order of Atoms are connected attachment of atoms in the same order, but (connectivity); Section 1-9 differ in spatial orientation
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综合练习题(下册) 一、给出下列化合物的名称或结构式
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一、结构,同分异构和命名: 1. Structure:-C=c-sp分子是线性的,无几何异构
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alkane alkene alkyne methane ethane propane … ethene propene … ethyne(acetylene) propyne … C=C functional group (功能基) C-C C=C
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一. Structure of Alkene: 二. General Formula & Isomerism:
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一. 对映异构现象(Enantiomerisms): ( 一) 对映异构体和手性: 1. 对映异构体(enantiomers):如两个分子具有对映,而不能 重叠的关系,为对映异构体
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