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古典代数学基本定理: 任一非常数复系数多项式在复数域中总有一根
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1.掌握阿托品的药理作用、作用特点、临床应用,了解中毒时的症状和解 救原则:掌握东莨菪碱和山莨菪碱的作用特点及用途,熟悉阿托品合成代用品的用途及评价。 2.掌握骨骼肌松弛药的分类、代表药及其作用特点、用途、中毒抢救;了 解神经阻断药的作用、用途、主要不良反应
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集合: 把在我们直观或思维中的一定范围内的 所有对象,作为一个整体来考虑,称之为(那些对象 的)集合.把该范围内的各个对象称为该集合的元 或元素. A,B,C表集合; a,b,c,d表示元素. 表述集合的方法:
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本课程的范围是:第 2, 3, 4, 5, 章为主体, 第二章 2.3节不讲 第五章 5.6节不讲 第四章 4.3.3节和4.8节不讲 第六章6.2.4节和6.2.5节不讲 第七章,第八章不讲
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SN2 reactions are highly useful in organic synthesis because they enable use to convert one functional group into another —— functional group transformation (functional group interconversion)
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• 化学治疗学(chemotherapy, 化疗) • 机体、抗菌药、病原微生物的相互关系 • 常用术语 • )抗菌谱: 抗菌范围 • )抗菌活性: 药物抑制或杀灭微生物的能力。 • )最低抑菌浓度; 最低杀菌浓度 • ) 抑菌药 ; 杀菌药; • )化疗指数:LD50和ED50之比; • )抗生素后效应 抗菌药作用机制: • 抗叶酸代谢 • 抑制细菌细胞壁合成 – 胞浆内粘肽前体的形成 – 胞浆膜阶段粘肽合成 – 胞浆外交叉联接过程 • 影响胞浆膜通透性 • 抑制蛋白质合成 • 抑制核酸代谢
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The C—X bond of alkyl halides is polarized. The carbon atom bears a partial positive charge, The halogen atom a partial negative charge
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21.11 Aryl Halide and Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution 21.12 Spectroscopic Analysis of Phenols and Aryl Halides
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Quinones are an interesting and valuable class of compounds because of their oxidation-reduction, or redox, properties. The redox properties of quinones are important to the functioning of living cells, where compounds called ubiquinones(泛醌) act as biochemical oxidizing agents to mediate the electro-transfer processes involved in energy production
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Phenols are like alcohols in being able to form strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Phenols have higher boiling points than hydrocarbons of the same molecular weight. A modest solubility in water
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