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I. Greetings II. Review Have a quiz III. Start the new lesson 1.Introduction This article talks about birth of bright ideas by the vividly paradigmatic methods After reading it, we have a new understanding about the mysterious question 2. Discourse analysis Part one (Paras.1-3)Opening remarks: All truly creative activities depend in some degree on the signals of the unconscious. Part two (Paras. 4-6) Discussing the birth of bright ideas with the example some famous persons
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I Greetings Il. Review: the key words and phrases of Unit Two II Start the new lesson 1 Introduction: In this story, a son describes how shamed he felt as a youth when he walked down the street with his crippled father. The son did not like how people stared at them. His father never let on that he saw any of this. He was very active and enjoyed life
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主谓一致的问题看上去似乎很简单,其实使用起来却不是那么容易,有时候甚至很复杂。这是因为在不同情况下,处理这一问题所依据的原则各不相同。就其在现代语法中的基本原则而言,通常有三个不同角度的着眼点: 1、语法一致(Grammatical Concord) 2、意义一致( Notional Concord) 3、就近原则(Principle of Proximity)
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Lecture 9: Verb Tenses 1一般现在时的用法 (1)经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频腮度的时间状语连用。 I leave home for school at 7 every morning. (2)客观真理,客观存在,科学事实
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Lecture 11-13: Subjunctive Mood 第一部分:语气的定义和种类 1语气(mood) 语气是动词的一种形式,表示说话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度。 2语气的种类 (1)、陈述语气:表示动作或状态是现实的、确定的或符合事实的,用于陈述句、疑问句和某些感叹句。如① There are two sides to every question.每个问题都有两个方面。 ② Were you busy all day yesterday?昨天一整天你都很忙吗? ③ How good teacher she is她是多好的一位老师啊
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Lead-in The news that a sheep in Scotland has been successfully cloned 1) got me wondering What good would it be to clone humans? What would I do with a clone of myself? Then 2) it hit me that I could have my clone go into work for me while went out hiking, biking, sking,etc.! really could be in two places at once
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Words 15 integrate''i]vt.使结合,使并入 consequently['kon wan Ii]ad.因而,所以 architecture['a: kt]n.结构,组织 dictate[ k't]v.口述,命令,支配 global['g' bal1]a.全球的,世界的 megatelecommunication电信 mega-构词成份,“大”“强
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1.出于支持贵方销售的考虑,我方特地准备了新产品的样品并另外邮寄给你方,供贵方参 考。 2.我们很高兴地向您推荐下列与你方寄来的样品相似的产品。 3.该类商品由于享有品质卓越的美誉,已经得到大多欧洲市场广泛的认可。因此为了你方 的利益我们认为你们应购进该商品投放市场试销
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Unit 1 Book Three Unit One Section A The Expensive Fantasy of lord williams I Greetings I Review. 1. Key words section A: survival, sorrow, ancient, endure, channel, invade, surrender, historic, cast crash, commuter, suburb, resolution, exhaust, rescue, wreckage, decent section B: innocent, drift, mere, explode, expose, sector, layout, sway, uneasy, heal glimpse, flesh, heir
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Reading skills of scientific and technical English Reading for Main Idea(获取主题思想) 我们可以把获取主题思想的阅读技巧分四步 1辨认主题名词 identify subject word 2找出主题词 find subject word 3获取主题思想 gain main idea 4避免不相关的内容 avoid disrelated content
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