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一、奥卡姆剃刀原理 二、如何写好科技论文 三、如何看待审稿人的意见 四、如何找到合适的、长期合作的期刊
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①明确电动势与ΔG的关系,熟悉电极电势的一套符号惯例,了解在教科书上或文献上还有哪些惯例。 ②对于所给的电池能熟练,正确地写出电极反应和电池反应并能计算其教学目的和/电动势
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为发挥计算机网络集成实验环境在本专科教学中的作用,特编写此课程设计指导 书。 本书的目的就是作为课堂教学的补充,是扩展学生的网络知识,增强学生的动手能 力。本书可作为计算机科学、计算机应用、通信工程、电子信息科学与技术等相关专业 的本科和专科学生的《计算机网络》、《网络技术》、《 Internet原理及其应用》等相关课 程的实验及课程设计指导书
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CHAPTER I PARTS OF SPEECH Independent Work .1. 1、对系统的控制是一门跨学科的(interdisciplinary)科目 2、速度等于距离与时间之比。 3、图51Q点对晶体管工作的影响。 4、论文对其性能做了初步的分析。 5、理解二进制数字系统( binary number systems)的基础
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Lesson Plan for Graduate Students (Writing Course) Science writing in our country, according to many experts in English, is in fact scientific translation from Chinese to English. That is to say, all the Chinese college graduates are able to write academic papers in Chinese. The problem is how they can put their papers into English versions. Quite a few professors and graduate students at our university sent
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Ⅳ V The verb 1. Special link verbs y在这种情况下机器容易发热 In this case, machines get hot easily. y该皮带平压在滑轮 (pulley)上 The belt lies /presses rests/flat on the pulley y其结果证明是正确的。 Its result proves correct
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Means for Emphasis I A sentence pattern that It be stressed part who genera “正是”,“就是” Translation technique
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QUIZI There is a 1-in-17 chance of drawing two successive hearts in this manner. The varieties of nonferrous(有色的) metals are nearly four times what they were. There are races(种,属) between animals large and small. Leprosy does not affect most animals the way it does humans
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V. Sentences 1. often tend to use long sentences with compact and simple structures with construction by using adj. phrase, noun phrase, relative clause
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