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本章的重点在于在对外部环境分析与了解的基础上,从企业内部看企业的特点。 一、企业有哪些资源? 二、企业在行业中的地位? 三、企业是否有竞争的优势?
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由于项目和项目组织的特殊性带来沟通的困难。组织协调和沟通不仅是一个信息过程,而且是一个组织过程,同时又是一个心理过程。本章 介绍了以项目经理为中心的几种重要的沟通过程, 项目沟通中经常出现的问题分析,项目中常见的几种正式和非正式的沟通方式
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半导体是电导率介于金属导体和绝缘体之间的一大类导电物体,它们的电导率大约 分布在10cm~103-cm之间。用半导体制成的各种器件有极广泛的用途,通过 不同的掺杂工艺,可以把半导体制成各种电子元件,如作为电子计算机及通讯、自动控 制工程基础的晶体管和集成电路等。另外,半导体对电场、磁场、光照、温度、压力及 周围环境气氛等外部条件非常敏感,因此它是敏感元器件的重要材料
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对网络工程验收是施工方向用户方移交的正式手续,也是用户对工程的认可。尽管许多单 位把验收与鉴定结合在一起进行,但验收与鉴定还是有区别的,主要表现如下 验收是用户对网络工程施工工作的认可,检查工程施工是否符合设计要求和符合有关施工 规范。用户要确认,工程是否达到了原来的设计目标?质量是否符合要求?有没有不符合原设 计的有关施工规范的地方?
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Taking resource constraints into account when developing a network diagram Determining the planned resource utilization for a project Leveling the use of resources within the required time frame of the project Determining the shortest project schedule with the limited resources availabe
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Estimating the duration for each activity Establishing the estimated start time and required completion time for the overall project Calculating the earliest times at which each activity can start and finish, based on the project’s estimated start time Calculating the latest times by which each activity must start and finish in order to complete the project by its required completion time Determining the amount of positive or negative slack between the time each activity can start or finish and the time it must start or finish Identifying the critical (longest) path of activities
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Building relationships with customers and partners Proposal marketing strategies Bid/no-bid decision Development of a winning proposal Proposal preparation process and elements that may be included in a proposal Pricing considerations Evaluation of proposals Types of contracts between the customer and the contractor Measuring success of proposal efforts
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3.1 动态博弈的表示法和特点 3.2 可信性和纳什均衡的问题 3.3 子博弈和子博弈完美纳什均衡 3.4 几个经典动态博弈模型 3.5 有同时选择的动态博弈模型 3.6 动态博弈分析的问题和扩展讨论
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Definition of a project and its attributes Key constraints within which a project must be managed How a project is “born” Life of a project Steps involved in the project management process Implications of global project management Benefits of project management
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