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Complaint: Menstrual pain for 3 years Present history e Three years ago, she started to feel pain in lower abdomen and lumbosacral (# BLE )area during menstruation. The a pain has been worsening progressively. In addition,she has heavy men
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Problem 1. The following two parts are not related. Try them, to make sure you un- derstand the jargon of random variables distributions, probability density functions, etc. Ask your TA if you don't understand/remember what some phrase means. (a)Suppose X1, X2, and X3 are three mutually independent random variables, each having the uniform distribution
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A:基础设施安全 1:场区环境安全 2:机房设施的安全 3:配电、接地和低压电器的安全 B:设备安全防护
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化学系拥有一支高素质教师队伍。有博士学位教师比例(占教师总数的70 %)、年人均SCI论文数量和质量名列 天津大学首位。其本科专业应用化学专业是天津大学4个A++专业之一。化学 系现有教授19人(其中博士生导师9人), 副高级职称教师28人,硕士生导师36人,讲师16人。化学系下设有机化 学、物理化学2个博士点,有机化学、物理 化学、无机化学3个硕士点
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1已知铸铁的拉伸许用应力[]=30MPa,压缩许用应力[o]=90MPa,μ=0.30,试对铸 铁零件进行强度校核,危险点的主应力为: (1)=30MPa,=20MPa,=15MPa; (2)o1=-20Ma,o2=-30pa,3=-40Ma (3)o1=10mpa,o2=-20mpa,3=-30a
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典型习题解析 1图示直杆截面为正方形,边长a=200m,杆长L=4m,F=10k,材料密度 p=20k/m3.考虑杆的自重,计算1-1和2-2截面轴力,并画轴力图
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1、什么是IP?IP地址的范围是多少? 2、为什么要使用IP地址? 3、IP地址的分类有哪些?每类的特点为什么? 4、A、B、C三类网络的标准缺省子网掩码为什么?
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第1编总论 第1章知识产权基础知识 1.1单项选择题 (1)A(2)C 1.2多项选择题 (1)ABCE()BCDE 1.3简答题 1.参见本章第1节第3部分的内容。 2.参见本章第1节第4部分的内容
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9.4 海洋有机磷农药污染 9.4.1 海洋有机磷农药概述 9.4.2 海洋有机磷农药污染危害 9.4.3 海洋有机磷农药来源 9.4.4 海洋有机磷农药分布 9.4.5 海洋有机磷农药降解 9.4.6 海洋有机磷农药污染的防治措施 9.5 海洋合成洗涤剂污染 A. 基本定义 B. 洗涤剂的类型 C. 海洋洗涤剂的来源 D. 海洋洗涤剂的危害 E. 海洋洗涤剂的降解 F. 海洋洗涤剂的防治
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The milks of all mammals contain lipids but the concentration varies widely between species from c. 2% to greater than 50%(Table 3. 1). The principal function of dietary lipids is to serve as a source of energy for the neonate and the fat content in milk largely reflects the energy requirements of the species, e.g. land animals indigenous to cold environments and marine
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