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uiz2(11/7/03)-sar esti。ns rse and fiber-directi moduli for a transversely isotropic composite lamina 2. Plot and explain the variation of fiber-direction strength of a unidirectionally-reinforced lamina as a function of fib fraction
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一、1、卖淫嫖娼;2、治安承包责任制;3、了解敌社情、控制社会面;;4、精神病人和醉酒人;5、1—3年;6、不满50元的罚款; 二、C;A;A;A;
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Welcome to the exiting world of NMR... though a little hard to learn... remember... .Why just NMR... .How a ID NMR spectrum look like... .What we can obtain from it... and what can we do for a big molecule
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What is nmr? g NMR, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, is a phenomenon which occurs when the nuclei of certain atoms are immersed in a static magnetic field and exposed to a second oscillating magnetic field
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Karnaugh maps It is a matrix of squares. each square represent a minterm or maxterm from a Boolean equaTion N-variable karnaugh map have 2 squares The binary numeral on the sides of k-map is the variable coordinates
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1-A1 α,α´-Dibrom-ο-xylol aus ο-Xylol 1-A2 3-Bromcyclohexen aus Cyclohexen 1-A3 1-Chloradamantan aus Adamantan
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1.(04-1-04)设矩阵A=120,矩阵B足ABA=2BA+E,其中A为 001 A的伴随矩阵,E是单位矩阵,则B=
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I.Choose the Correct Answer 1. A disturbance can be written x b xt b t a y(x,t) (e e e ) 2 2 −( / ) 2 / − = . This disturbance is ( D ) (A) Not a traveling wave. (B) A traveling wave with speed v = a. (C) A traveling wave with speed v = a/b. (D) A traveling wave with speed v = b
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Slide 17.5.1 Streams-a different way of structuring Now, let's look at one example in which changing the computation evaluation model allows us to explore a very different kind of computational problem. Our goal is to show how a smal
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Jack is going to graduate from university soon, yet he hasn't found a proper job What am I supposed to do to find a job? Please, give me a hand
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