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8.1. Independent Firms The downstream firm's problem is max(a-bxc-wT The upstream firm's problem is max(a-2b)3-cr The output is 8.2. Integrated Firm Suppose now that the two firms merge into one firm. This firms problem is max(a-by)y
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A A--connection three-phase sources a, b, c--line ter min als
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The phasor diagram is a name given to a sketch in the complex plane of the phasor voltages and currents throughout a specific circuit
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The series combination of a resistor and capacitor has a greater practical importance than does the combination of a resistor and an inductor
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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. Which statement is most correct? (C) (A)Uniform circular motion causes a constant force toward the center. (B)Uniform circular motion is caused by a constant force toward the center
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第二章极限与连续 一、单项选择题:(2Ala,1B2b)[共3题] 2.1.1(单项选择题)若limf(x)=A,则()(难度A水平a)
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一、1、卖淫嫖娼;2、治安承包责任制;3、了解敌社情、控制社会面;;4、精神病人和醉酒人;5、1—3年;6、不满50元的罚款; 二、C;A;A;A;
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材料工程基础试卷A答案 一、选择题(共15题,每题2分,共30分) 1.a2.c3.a4.a5.C 6.b7.c8.c9.a10 11.c12.a13.b14.a15.A
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一.填空题(本题共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分) (1)设常数a≠,则 Inn-2na+1=1-2a nn(1-2a) (2)交换积分序:f,y)axy)x=ay)dy 12-2)
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2006年4月笔试试卷参考答案 一、选择题 (1)D)(2)A)(3)D)(4)B)(5)A)(6)D)(7)C)(8)D) (9)A)(10)C)(11)D)(12)C)(13))(14)A)(15)C)(16)A) (17)D)(18)D)(19)D)(20)A)(1)C)(22)D)(23)D)(24)D) (25)D)(26)B)(27)D)(28)A)(9)A)(30)B)(31)D)(32)D) (33)C)(34)D)(35)C)
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