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第9章半导体传感器 9.1气敏传感器口 9.2湿敏传感器 9.3色敏传感器口 9.4半导体式传感器的应用
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Module 12 Frequency Response and Nyquist Diagram
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Module 6 Second-Order System Disturbance Rejection and Rate Feedback I hour
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《自动控制原理》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第八章 控制系统分析与设计的状态空间方法(综合与设计)
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Module 1-2-Examples
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9.1 Routh's Stability Criterion About Stability: (P145. Section 1) 9.1.1 Define on the Stability of Closed-loop System: When the transfer function of system is(s), the output
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Module 7 Higher -Order Systems (1 hour) TF in Evans or Bode form Approximate a higher order system with a first or second order one Effect of zeros and poles on the transient response Origins of zeros
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Module 5 Second-Order System Time-Domain Response (2 hours) Ramp response Harmonic response Transient response as a function of the location of the poles
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⚫ 完成本课题的学习后,能够用万用表测试晶闸管和单结晶体管的好坏。 ⚫ 掌握晶闸管工作原理。 ⚫ 分析单相半波整流电路的工作原理。 ⚫ 分析单结晶体管触发电路的工作原理。 ⚫ 掌握触发电路与主电路电压同步的基本概念
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