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85. The general structure and function of the plasma membrane Introduction The membranes form continuous sheets that form the outer boundaries of the cells or enclose intercellular
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2. Electron microscopy Transmission Electron microscopy (TEMs) Scanning Electron microscopy (SE 1) Transmission Electron microscopy (TEMs) 1931 Ruska
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Biotechnology and Polymers Most Chemically Synthesized Polymers are not Biodegradable, such as PE, PP, PS and PET While most Biologically Synthesized Polymers are Biodegradable, such as Proteins, Cellulose, Glycan The most Notable Biopolymers with Properties Similar to Thermoplastics are: Polyhydroxyalkanoates or PHA
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Chapter 5 Macromolecules and Molecular Genetics DNA Replication Complementary base pairing Semiconservative Template and primer From 5'-phosphate to the 3'-hydroxyl end DNA polymerase and ligase A short stretch of RNA serves as primer Primase: a specific RNA-polymerizing enzyme
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Arrangement of DNA in Prokaryotes Vertebrates Algae Fungi Free-living prokaryotes Obligately parasitic Bacteria Chloroplasts Nudleod Mitochondria Viruses
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Peptidoglycan Synthesis Transport of peptidoglycan precursors across the cytoplasmic. membrane to the growing point of the cell wall Outside Peptidoglycan Growing point of cell wall
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Cell Biology Tool for studying microbiology: Microscopes and Microscopy Microscope: (a) Bright-field (b) Phase contrast (c) Dark-field (d) Fluorescence
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Chapter 4 Metabolism, Biosynthesis and Nutrition Microbial Nutrition Laboratory Culture of Microorganisms Sterilization. Aseptic Technique, and Pure Cultures
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Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Genetic engineering: Isolation manipulation and expression of genetic materials. Gene cloning: Isolation and purification of specific genes In vitro recombination=recombinant DNA
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Chapter 7 Regulation of Gene Expression Regulation of Enzyme Activity Constitutive enzymes -Enzymes induced by specific circumstances Two major modes of regulation in the cell Control the activity of preexisting enzymes Control the amount of an enzyme
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