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Analyzing Profitability Focus of Profitability Analysis Profitability analysis is key part of financial statement analysis All financial statements are pertinent to profitability analysis Emphasis of profitability analysis is on the income statement
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Statement of Cash Flows Relevance of Cash Flows Cash Defined refers to cash and cash equivalents. Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are (1) readily convertible to known amounts of cash, and (2) near maturity (typically within 3 months) with limited risk of price changes due to interest rate shifts
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Intercorporate nvestments Definitions Intercorporate investments investments by one corporation in the equity securities of another corporation Parent- corporation who controls, Macintosh PICT enerally through ownership of equity image format
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Liabilities Definition Macintosh PICT image format is not supported A liability is probable future payment of assets or services that company is presently obligated to make as a result of past transactions or events
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Business Analysis Evaluate Prospects Evaluate Risks Business Decision Makers Equity investors Creditors Managers Merger and Acquisition Analysts External Auditors Directors Regulators
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1、未来管理者必备的一门知识。 2、个人理财。 3、开拓知识面。 4、增强竞争力
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一、会计科目设计与会计信息系统设计 会计信息系统设计就是围绕基本的财务指标,设立会计信息的收集、整理、加工、处理、输出的方式和程序
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一、消极的与积极的股利政策 二、影响股利政策的因素 三、股利的稳定性 四、股票股利与股票分割 五、股票回购 六、管理上的考虑
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公司的综合成本 资本成本是各种类型融资的预期报 酬率。综合资本成本是各单独的预 期报酬率(成本)的加权平均
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一、项目评估和选择的方法 二、潜在的困难 三、资金分配 四、项目监测 五、事后审计
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