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已知某PC系统的IO地址组选信号Iy0:b800h~b81fH, D7D6D5D4D3D2D1DO VCC 用244构成I/O输入电路
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输入/输出设备是计算机的重要组成部分。 外设种类繁多,可以是机械式、电动式、电子 式、手动式;输入信息也可以是数字量、模拟量 、开关量;信息传送的速度相差悬殊,所以不能 直接连接,而必须设置专门的I/O接口
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一.求解Ax=O的步骤 二.求解AX=b的步骤
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if(x>0) printf(\M\) printf(o\) if(y<-4) printf(\N\) else printf(\E\); 补充完整的程序为 ntx=12y=12
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#include #define null o FILE fp; ar a[81.c char*pl=\%oc\,*p2=\%d,%d\,*p3=\%of%f,%f”,*p4=\%s\ float flf2.13 f(fp=fopen(\:: I paper. dat\,\rb\))NULL)
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#inclucle main(int argc, char argv) printf\命令行参数的个数是:%dn\,arge), printf\本程序的名字是:%sn\, argil[O
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体*本幸******极限俱乐部会员信息系统**幸*******幸****/ #include \stdio. h' *控制台O的头文件* #include \string. h /*字符串函数的头文件* #include \stdlib. h\ /+ exito函数的头文件*
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Meronyeckne yrasaHng no HanncaHnIo OopMJICHMIO pecepara cocTaBJeHbl B cooTBeTCTBHn c paooyen nporpaMMon NCLMIJIMHbI TpeoobaHnaMn Tocymapctbehhoro o6pa3oBaTebHoro cTaHapra Bbicero
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One parse tree only a The role of the grammar a distinguish between syntactically legal and illegal programs a But that's not enough: it must also define a parse tree a the parse tree conveys the meaning of the program What if a string can be parsed with multiple parse trees? a we say the grammar is ambiguous a must fix the grammar(the problem is not in the parser) a Note: often a string can be derived in more than one way D ie, with more than one derivation sequence o this does not mean the grammar is ambiguous
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