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1.RA的基本病理改变是什么? 2.RA慢性期有何病理改变?此期关节炎有何表现?
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Concept: systemic blood pressure increased, target organ damaged (brain, heart, eye, kidney, vessel), metabolism changed 线· Essential hypertension(ET: un known cause, 95%, hypertensive disease. Secondary hypertension(ST): known cause, 1 5%
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Objective 1.Mastering clinical manifestation ,diagnosis and management of heart failure 2.Grasping causes,pathophysiology of heart failure 3. Understanding classification and investigation of heart failure
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Background of asthma Prevalence in the world: 1.6 hundred million in China:1-3 in Shenyang: 1.24 %(1999) GINA: Global Initiative for Asthma(1994) WHO/HLBI Bronchial asthmatic diagnosis guideline (1997) Chinese medical academy
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Content: 1. Atherosclerosis 2. Angina pectoris 3. Myocardial infarction
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Concept of leukemia Definition aIt is the results of the tumor proliferation of heamotopoietic stem cells.(造血干细 胞) Leukemia is a malignant blood disorder. (not solid tumor) Date xie Yi, Hua Shan Hospital
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教学目的(掌握、熟悉、了解的具体内容) 掌握白血病概念、诊断与治疗原则 熟悉白血病分类、治疗药物 了解白血病病因、发病机理
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DIAGNOSIS AND CLASSIFICATION Anemia is an absolute decrease in hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration,or the RBC count. Anemia is not a diagnosis, but a sign of underlying disease
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胸痹痛 一、胸一病位在心脉 二、痹——痹阻不通 三、心痛一膻中或左胸部 四、憋闷、疼痛
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General Considerations Disorders of hemostasis defects in platelet number or function problems in fibrin clot(coagulation) Bleeding due to platelet disorders is typically mucosal or dermatologic include epistaxis, gum bleeding menorrhagia, gastrointestinal bleeding purpura, and petechiae
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