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Nobel lecture december 12, 1933 On passing through an optical instrument, such as a telescope or a camera lens, a ray of light is subjec reflecting surface. The path of the rays can be constructed if we know the two simple laws which govern the changes in direction: the law of refrac- tion which was discovered by Snellius a few hundred years ago, and the law of reflection with which Archimedes was familiar more than 2,000 years ago
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《行政法与行政诉讼法》课程教学大纲(Administrative Law and Administrative Litigation Law)
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Based on the measured activities, the phase diagrams and the annexation principle, the calculating models of mass action concentrations for Ag-Bi and Ag-Bi-In melts have been formulated. The calculated results agree with practice and obey the mass action law, showing that the models formulated can reflect the structural characteristics of both melts. Meanwhile, it confirms that annexation principle is applicable to the Ag-Bi-In metallic melts. The melts involving eutectic which give rise to phase separation, and in which activities exhibit positive deviation from Raoult's law is the basic cause of melts transforming from homogeneous to heterogeneous ones
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复旦大学:《税法 Tax Law》课程教学论文_研讨型教学在本科税法课程中的应用 Application of discussion-based teaching in the undergraduate tax law course(徐晔、杨丽莉)
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Sec. 5-1 Force Laws Sec. 5-2 Tension and normal forces Sec. 5-3 Friction forces Sec. 5-4 The dynamics of uniform circular motion Sec. 5-5 Time-dependent force Sec. 5-6 Noninertial frames and pseudoforces Sec. 5-7 Limitations of Newton’s law
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5-1 Motion of Rigid body刚体的平动、转动和定轴转动 5-2 Torque The Law of Rotation rotational Inertia力矩刚体定轴转动定律转动惯量 5-3 Applying the Law of rotation转动定律的应用 5-4 Kinetic Energy and Work in Rotational Motion定轴转动的动能定理 5-5 Angular Momentum of a rigid Body Conservation of Angular Momentum定轴转动的刚体的角动量定理和角动量守恒定律
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1. Origin of the Law of Gravitation 2. Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation 3. The Gravitational Constant G 4. Gravitation Near the Earth’s surface 5. The Two Shell Theorems 6. Gravitational Potential Energy
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5.1自发过程的方向性 The Direction of Spontaneous Process 5.2热力学第二定律的表述 Statement of the Second Law of Thermodynamics 5.3卡诺循环与卡诺定律 Carnot cycle and Carnot Theorem 5.4熵、熵增原理及熵方程 Entropy, The increase principle of Entropy and Entropy Equation 5.5熵的意义及应用 Significance of Entropy and its application
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3.1系统的宏观和微观储存能 Macroscopic and microscopic energy of system 3.2热量、功量及质量引起的能量传递------传递中的能量 Energy transfer by Heat, Work and Mass 3.3热力学第一定律与闭口系统的能量平衡方程 The first law of thermodynamics and Energy balance equation of closed system 3.4开口系统的能量平衡方程 Energy balance equation of open system 3.5稳态稳定流动的能量平衡 Energy balance for steady-flow systems 3.6工程中的几种稳态稳定流动装置 Some steady-flow engineering devices
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