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Objective-Determination- of realizable transfer function G() approximating a given frequency response specification is an important step in the development of a digital filter If an IIR filter is desired, G() should be a stable real rational function Digital filter design is the process of deriving the transfer function G
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3.1 LTI离散系统的响应 一、差分与差分方程 二、差分方程的经典解 三、零输入响应和零状态响应 3.2 单位序列响应和阶跃响应 一、单位序列响应 二、阶跃响应 3.3 卷积和 一、序列分解与卷积和 二、卷积的图解 三、不进位乘法 四、卷积和的性质
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5.1 拉普拉斯变换 一、从傅里叶变换到拉普拉斯变换 二、收敛域 三、(单边)拉普拉斯变换 5.2 拉普拉斯变换的性质 5.3 拉普拉斯变换逆变换 5.4 复频域分析 一、微分方程的变换解 二、系统函数 三、系统的s域框图 四、电路的s域模型
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§2.1 Discrete-Time Signals: Time-Domain Representation §2.2 Operations on Sequences §2.3 Basic Sequences §2.4 The Sampling Process §2.5 Discrete-Time Systems §2.6 Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-Time System §2.7 Classification of LTI Discrete-Time Systems §2.8 Correlation of Signals
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§4.1 LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform Domain §4.2 The Frequency Response §4.3 Frequency Response Computation Using MATLAB §4.4 The Concept of Filtering §4.5 Phase and Group Delays §4.6 Frequency Response of the LTI Discrete-Time System §4.7 The Transfer Function §4.8 The Transfer Function §4.9 Frequency Response from Transfer Function §4.10 Types of Transfer Functions §4.11 Linear-Phase FIR Transfer Functions §4.12 Allpass Transfer Function §4.13 Minimum-Phase and Maximum-Phase Transfer Functions
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§7.1 Digital Filter Specifications §7.2 Selection of Filter Type §7.3 Digital Filter Design: Basic Approaches §7.4 IIR Digital Filter Design: Bilinear Transformation Method §7.5 IIR Highpass, Bandpass, and Bandstop Digital Filter Design §7.6 Fixed Window Functions §7.7 FIR Filter Design Example
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§5.1 Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals §5.2 Sampling of Continuous-time Signals §5.3 Effect of Sampling in the Frequency Domain §5.4 Recovery of the Analog Signal §5.5 Implication of the Sampling Process §5.6 Sampling of Bandpass Signals §5.7 Analog Lowpass Filter Specifications §5.8 Analog Lowpass Filter Design
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§1.1 Introduction §1.2 Continue-time Signal §1.3 signal representation based on δ(t) §1.4 Linear time-invariant system §1.5 System unit impulse response §1.6 Fourier series of periodic signals §1.7 Fourier analyses of non-periodic signals—Fourier Transform §1.8 Fourier Transform of typical signals §1.9 Fourier Transform of typical signals §1.10 Properties of Fourier Transform §1.11 Fourier analyses of linear system
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本章教学目的:了解随机过程和数理统计的基本知识(因为它是分析和设计通信系统的重要 工具)。 说明:随机过程与数理统计属于数学学科的内 容。为了使大家迅速掌握随机过程与数理统计 的有关知识,本章不准备从严格的数学角度介绍随机过程与数理统计的完整内容,而将结合 本课程的特点从工程的角度有重点的介绍
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8.1 状态变量与状态方程 一、状态变量与状态方程 二、动态方程的一般形式 8.2 状态方程的建立 一、电路状态方程的列写 二、由输入-输出方程建立状态方程 8.3 离散系统状态方程的建立 8.4 连续系统状态方程的解 8.5 离散系统状态方程的解
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