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Unit 10 Shipping Points for attention: Letters regarding shipment are usually written for the following purposes: To urge an early shipment; To amend shipping terms; ·To give shipping advice; To despatch shipping documents
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6·1基本概念及究意义 在一定条件下,人类的工程活动可以诱发地 震,诸如修建水库,城市或油田的抽水或注水, 矿山坑道的崩塌,以及人工爆破或地下核爆炸等 都能引起当地出现异常的地震活动,这类地震活 动统称为诱发地震( induced earthquake)。 其形成一方面依赖于该区的地质条件、地应力状 态和有待释放的应变能积累程度等因素;另一方 面也与工程行为是否改变了一定范围内应力场的 平衡状态密切相关
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4.1 LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform Domain · Such transformdomain- representations provide additional insight into the behavior of such systems It is easier to design and implement these systems in the transform-domain for certain applications We consider now the use of the DtFt and the z-transform in developing the transform- domain representations of an LTI system
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多浆植物或称多肉植物( succulents),系瑞士植物学家琼·鲍汉( Jean Bauhin)在1619年首先提出。义 来源于拉丁词 succus(多浆、汁液),意指这类植物具有肥厚多汁的肉质茎、叶或根。广义的多浆植物指 茎、叶特别粗大或肥厚,含水量高,并在干旱环境中有长期生存力的一群植物。大部分生长在干旱或 年中有一段时间干旱的地区,所以这类植物多具有发达的薄壁组织以贮藏水分。其表皮角质或被蜡层、 毛或刺,表皮气孑L少而且经常关闭,以降低蒸腾强度,减少水分蒸发
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现金流量和资金等值计算 一、现金流量构成 ·现金流量(Cash Flow,CF) 现金流入(Cash In Flow,CI) 销售(经营)收入、资产回收、借款等 现金流出( Cash Out Flow,CO) 投资、经营成本、税、贷款本息偿还等 净现金流量(CF)
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Standard Approach to Estimating Volatility (Equation 15.1 Define on as the volatility per day between day n-1 and day n, as estimated at end of day n-1 · Define, as the value of market variable at end of day i Define ui= In(S /Si-1)
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Notation : European call C: American Call option option price price p: European put P: American Put option option price price So: Stock price today·Sr:Stock price at time X: Strike price D: Present value of T: Life of option
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第一章概论 3.基准试剂主体含量大于99.9%;高纯试剂杂质含量少;专用试剂指在某一特殊应用中无 干扰,如光谱纯、色谱纯。 6.标定c(NaOH)=0.05mol·-1时,草酸m=0.05×0.025×63=0.08g 0.0002 称量误差E=008=0.25%>0.1% 0.08 而m(邻)=0.05×0.025×204=0.26g
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Let's play a game · Instruction: 8. swing the rope 1 touch your shoulders 9. snatch the ball 2. bend your knees 10 bowl the ball ..serve the ball 11. throw the ball 4. stretch your arms 12. raise your arms 5.skip the rope 13. twist your fingers 6. hit the ball 14. stretch your body 7. bounce up and down .15. boxing
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对流传热: 一、流体中质点发生相对位移而引起的热交换(伴随热传导),一般指流体与固体壁面的传热过程。动量、热量传递同时进行关系复杂。计算时要结合连续性方程、N-S方程和能量方程,计算十分复杂。 二、湍流时,壁面附近,三层:·层流(导热),湍流主体(对流传热),缓冲层(导热和对流) 三、一般将运动流体与壁面之间的热量传递笼统考虑为对流传热。本书只考虑强制层流强制湍流
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