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案例概述: 数字设备公司(DEC)是网络计算机系统和相关的外围设备的世界领先 的制造商,并且是具有网络、通信、服务以及软件产品的系统集成行业的领 导者。DEC最近的年收益超过120亿美元。其中,收益的2/3来自硬件销售, 而1/3来自软件销售和服务
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美籍华人、经济学教授谢文蔚通过多年对美国、 瑞士、南斯拉夫、日本、韩国、新加坡等国经济发展 的研究,归纳出经济发展应具备11个条件:其中第 8条就是有正确发展战略。 在经济谋略策划与实施中,兵家的智慧开始被 人祭起,《孙子兵法》、《黄公韬略》、《鬼谷子妙算》一 版再版;《易经算卦》、《手相》、《刘伯温推背图》突 然畅销
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实践模式 美国课程专家施瓦布(j.j.. Schwab)从1969年 发表《实践1:课程的语言》一文后,确立了课程 研究的“实践模式”。它主要针对传统的“理论的” 课程探究模式而提出的。基本思想: 指导学校教育改革的理论是“复数而非“单数”; 课程问题主要应解决“应该教什么”和“应该学 什么”的问题,因此,问题解决的方式应主要是实 践的推理,而非逻辑的推理;
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让美德占据灵魂:一位哲学家带着他的弟子坐在郊外的一片旷 野里。哲学家问身边的弟子该如何除去周围长满的杂草。弟子们十 分惊谔,没有想到一直探讨人生奥妙的哲学家,最后一课竟会问这 么简单的问题。于是,他们给出了各种答案,有的说用铲子就够了 ,有的说用火烧,有的建议在草上撒上石灰,还有的说要斩草除根 ,只要把根挖出来就行了
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Progress reports are essential Often part of Provide precise scheduled deliverables technical description Maintain contact with of work as project funding Sources develops and/or industry partners, and changes
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Quick review 1. Show the reader what s/he needs to see 2. Plan the sequence and directionality 3. Think about the focal point of the graphic 4. Integrate labels units of measurement. and information
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Experiment Step Experiment produces \raw data? In measured units(volts, seconds, Ibs, .... Organization determined by recording method (notebook, tabular form, database,....) · Take data early to check-out- experiment Do some \quick data reduction/analysis\ during
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Why search (and cite) the literature of your field? Credibility: To be sure that your work is based on current, sound researchthe-- best in your field. Focus: To be able to place your work in context. Efficiency: To be sure that you're not duplicating work
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BASIS FOR MEASUREMENT Whatever exists, exists in some amount Our goals: Measure the appropriate quantity, Measure with the appropriate accuracy, to allow us to assess our hypothesis Some questions:
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Topics Grading rubrics for written proposals Content Communication Grading distribution between content and communication Dealing with multiple graders Division of work within teams
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