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Section A Words & Phrases Here are some statements of some superlative world geographical statistics. Listen carefully and complete the following chart. Pay special attention to the numbers Geographical feature Location Size
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Pre-reading activities While-reading activities Post-reading activities
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TEXT A Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) and Throttle-by-wire Gasoline Direct Injection Mitsubishi GDI Volkswagen AG's direct-injection(FSI) Toyota DI engine Electronic Throttle—Throttle-By-Wire
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《电气工程英语》课程教学资源(课文)U4 Automatic Control
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Group work: What’s your opinion on studying abroad? If you have a chance to decide whether to study in a famous university in China such as Qinghua and Beijing University or in an ordinary university in Britain or the USA, what would you choose? Why? Give your reasons
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《大学英语读写》课程教学资源(听说一级教案)Unit 4 Unit 4 Study(II)
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一、编写说明 本课程学分4分,总课时4x15周=60课时,必修课。 课程简介: 本课程由英语读写和英语视说组成。上课主要学习精读课文、解疑释惑、视说训练,课 后需要完成听、说、读、写等各种形式的作业
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Unit 4 The place of work 4.1 Giving directions () Listening Listen to a talk for new employees at Higgins Electronics and complete the company directory with the words in the box Reception Accounts Research and Development
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Age of information-knowledge explosion-deal with it /cope with it Effectively Q1: In which way can we get information? (conversations, TV, broadcast, newspapers, magazines, books, etc.) Classification of books:
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Chapter 4 Data Structure Key points: useful terms and definitions of data structure Difficult points: Stack, queue, tree
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