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船用泵概述-泵在船上的功用 用来输送液体的一种机械。约36~50台泵/船 液体机械能有位能、动能和压力能三种形式, 它们之间可以相互转换。 机械能量较低的液体是不可能自发地到达机械 能量较高的位置,况且液体在管路中流动还要克 服管路阻力而损失一部分能量
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一、 船载货物的可用港口起货设备来装卸 二、但并非所有港口都具有足够的吊货机械 三、 同时需考虑船舶在开阔水面过驳及吊运物料、备件等的需要
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Since 15th September 2002, one of ITOPF's technical team has been working with the South African authorities to deal with pollution issues arising from the grounding of the ro-ro vessel, JOLLY RUBINO (29,119 GT, 1978 built, Italian flag) . Our role has been to provide technical advice to all parties involved with the pollution response, and has involved regular overflights and shoreline inspections, as well as meetings with all the relevant parties
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6.6 Coalescing bed-type oily water separators The coalesce is capable of forming oil globules up to l2 mm diameter and the heavier fuel oils usually form long 'stalagmites' which grow to a considerable size before they are released. Because of the 1ow velocities employed the collected oil can flow past the water screen without becoming re-entrained and carried through into the outlet
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General Operating Procedure Before pumping oily water into the separator it is important that the separator is completely filled with clean water, either direct from the sea or through the filling valve provided for this purpose. It is essential to keep the lower internal surfaces and outer chamber from becoming coated with oil
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The principle of separation by which all commercially available oil/Water separators is the gravity differential between oil and water. In oily water mixtures, the oil exists as a collection of almost spherical globules of various sizes. The force acting on such a globule causing it to move in the water is proportional to the difference in weight between the oil particle and a particle of water of equal volume. This can be expressed as:
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3.4 ALFA-LAVAL Separator MAPX 207S-20 general information 3.4.1 MAPX information Contents – Correct installation, suitable treatment of the liquid before and after the passage through the machine, – correct operation and handling of the machine according to the directions given in instruction book, – cleanliness, carefulness and methodical overhaul are factors of the greatest importance for ensuring the best machine function and intended results
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Learning Objectives The main objectives of this section are to make all engineers familiar with: Pre-treatment of marine fuels. Design criteria, or problems related to settling and service tanks. Draining of settling tanks. Preheating. Separation, purifier and clarifier. Sludge and sludge handling
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A fire and bilge pump has suctions from sea, bilge main and engine room bilge, with discharges to fire main, oily water separator and overboard. A ballast pump has suctions from sea, ballast main, engine room , bilge direct and bilge main with discharges to overboard, the ballast main, the oily water separator and possibly, the main salt water circulating system
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In motorships the oil, after passing through main and motion bearings and oil-cooled pistons, etc., is either retained in the bedplate or flows by gravity to a sump tank. In either case, the oil pumps, which may be self￾priming, submerged centrifugal or rotary positive displacement, draw the oil through magnetic strainers and discharge to: filters - oil coolers - engine lubricating and/or cooling manifolds
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