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一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.y\+2y+y=e- sinx的特解形式可设为(C) (A)Ae-sinx; (B)Ax2e-*sinx: (C)e-x(Asinx+ Bcosx): (D) Ax2(sinx+ cosx)
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第八章常微分方程 第一节常微分方程的基本概念与分离变量法 思考题: 1.微分方程通解中的任意常数C最终可表为e,sinC2(C1,C2为任意实数) InC3(C3为实数,C3>0)等形式吗? 答:不能表示为e,sinC2,能表示为lnC,因为e只能取到(0,+∞)内的所有实
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变分方法思想: 取不同的态v),计算(E)=mv),其中最小的(E)最接近Eo,可近似看成基态能E
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1 The eigenvalue distribution function For an N × N matrix AN , the eigenvalue distribution function 1 (e.d.f.) F AN (x) is defined as F AN (x) = Number of eigenvalues of AN ≤ x . (1) N As defined, the e.d.f. is right continuous and possibly atomic i.e. with step discontinuities at discrete points. In practical terms, the derivative of (1), referred to as the (eigenvalue) level density, is simply the
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chapter 9 GRAPH ALGORITHMs $I Definitions e G(V,E) where G: =graph, V=V(G): :=finite nonempty set of vertices, andE=E(G): : = finite set of edges. d' Undirected graph:(V;,vi)=(j,vi): =the same edge 6 Directed graph(digraph): :=2* I tailhead
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Appendix E Properties of special functions E.1 Bessel functions Notation
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3.1 A brief history of western E.P. The foundation of E.P.: before 1920s Wundt,1879: methodology James, “Talks to the teachers” 1899; “The principles of psychology”1890; Dewey: apply psychology to education
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一.反应的类型 二.反应机理 1.E1机理 2.单分子共轭碱消除(E1CB机理 CB) 3.E2机理
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Theory of Equivalence Relations (A, R) (E1) For all x : xRx. (E2) For all x, y : If xRy then yRx. (E3) For all x, y, z : If xRy and yRz then xRz. Logic in Computer Science – p.2/16
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I.Choose the Correct Answer 1. A disturbance can be written x b xt b t a y(x,t) (e e e ) 2 2 −( / ) 2 / − = . This disturbance is ( D ) (A) Not a traveling wave. (B) A traveling wave with speed v = a. (C) A traveling wave with speed v = a/b. (D) A traveling wave with speed v = b
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