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绩效评估的政治:指评价者有目的地对评价加以歪曲,以达到个人 或者公司目标的做法。(Human Resource Management, Getting Competitive Advantage (3th edition) 本文是一篇调查研究型论文,文章通过对60位管理人员进行访谈发 现:评估政治是真实的存在于组织之中的。紧接着作者对影响评估政 治的因素进行了分析,然后,作者就评价中的有意高估和有意低估 问题分别进行了分析。文章的最后,就对待评估政治的正确态度问 题,作者向管理人员个人以及组织本身分别提出了一些建议 自强
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18.1 Paper is made of cellulose fibers Paper was first made HARDWOOD FIBERS in China as early as AD 100, of mulberry bark, and then introduced to Western world by Arabs in eighth century. The first paper mills were built in spain in 11th century
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1第一型曲线积分的计算(1时) Th211设有光滑曲线L:x=(t),y=y(t),t∈[a,].f(x,y)是定义在L上的连续函数则
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一、极值概念: 1.极值:图解,定义(区分一般极值和严格极值) 2.可微极值点的必要条件:Th(Fermat)(证)
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1. Mark Berenson, Timothy Krehbiel, David Levine, 2005, \Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications\, Prentice Hall, 2005. 2. Keller& Warrack, Statistics for Management and Economics, 6th Edition, South-
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Brokenback feature in Wyoming. Interpret the fracture pattern using your o 1. The following map shows the principal azimuths for fractures measured on th knowledge of joints and joint systems. Prepare a written(1 paragraph) analysis detailing the \joint system\these fractures may represent. Be sure to include a discussion of your evidence in support of your conclusion
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pleased to inform you that the goods (four containers of microwave and washing machine) under S/C No. CX-ETNSQ06 will dispatch by S.s. PRINCESS V.336on May 20th 2000 and it will arrive in TORONTO on
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Our Net Book Value just RESEARCH TOOLS Economist.comSURVEYS Shrink-proof Sep 18th 2003 From The Economist print edition Why America's deficit is hard to turn around IF FOREIGNERS lose enthusiasm for American assets, they simply click on a mouse. Capital
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Economist.comSURVEYS The price of profligacy Sep 18th 2003 From The Economist print edition How bad is America's borrowing binge? \I JUST think it's a meaningless concept\That was the verdict of Paul O'Neill, George Bush's plain-spoken first Treasury secretary on the current-account deficit. Mr O'Neill reckoned it was silly to worry about external imbalances in a global economy where capital flows
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The definitive reference work for CS and OR students, only S18.95 www.doverpublications.com Economist.comOPINION Rudiger Dornbusch Aug 8th 2002 From The Economist print edition Rudiger Dornbusch, a far-from-dismal
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