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Statistical approach to estimation Examine the multivariate Gaussian distribution: (x-)\v-(x-) Multivariant f(x)= Minimize (x-u)'v(x-u) gives largest probability density By minimizing the argument of the exponential in the probability density function, we maximize the likelihood of the estimates(MLE)
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一、例题精解 【例题17.1】如图17.1所示运算放大器电路中,已知u1=1V,u12=2V
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National Motto of the United States In God We Trust The phrase derives from the line \And this be our motto. 'In God is our trust, \in the battle song that later became the U.S. national anthem, \The Star-Spangled Banner. \The phrase first appeared on U. S. coins in 1864 and became
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一、教学目的要求 1.了解假设检验的原理和基本概念:原假设、备择假设、显著性水平(检验水平)、参数假设检验。 2掌握U、t检验法。 3重点掌握U、t检验法的步骤
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1.交通模型 考察在高速公路上行驶的交通车辆的流动问题.目的研究何 时发生交通堵塞及如何防止的问题.设x轴表示此公路,x轴 正方向车辆的前进方向. 先考虑连续模型.设u(t,x)表示时刻t的交通车辆按x方向分布 的密度,即在时刻t,位于区间段[x,x+dx]中的车辆数为 u(t,x)dx.再设 q(t,x) 为车辆通过x点的流通率,即在时段 [t,t+dt]内通过点x的车辆流量为取 q(t,x)dt
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一、向量在轴上的投影与投影定理 设有一轴u,AB 是轴u 上的有向线段
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1.1.在图题1.1所示的各电路图中E=5V,u=100sin ot,二极管的正向压降可忽略不计,试分别画出输出电压u的波形
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[习题1]水从蓄水箱经过一水管和喷嘴在水平方向射出,如附图所示。假设z1=12m,z2=z3=6.5m,d2=13mm,d3=7.5mm,整个管路的摩擦损失为2m水柱(喷嘴部分的摩擦阻力损失为0.8m水柱), 试求: (1)管路出口处的速度u3; (2)水管和喷嘴连接处截面上的水流速度u2和压强p2
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平推流反应器 Piston Flow Reactor (PFR) 活塞流模型或理想置换模型 This type of units is illustrated in the following figure. This reactor consists of a tube inside which the reaction medium flows. This makes i t t h e s i m p l e s t s t r u c t u r e conceivable f or a continuou s o p e r a ti o n s ys t em . Th e h ea t exchange necessary to add heat to the system or to remove it generally occurs ac ros s the tube wall
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1.△A=±50*0.5%=±0.25V △A/A01=±0.25/40=±0.625%△A/A02=±0.25/20=±1.25% 2.△A=±250*2.5%=±6.25V △A/A0=±6.25/U<5% ∴U>125V最小电压为 125V
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