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Test 1 Directions: Choose from A), B, C and D) the best answer to complete each of the following sentences 1. No one takes him any more, he's become a figure of fun A)earnestly B)seriously
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在 There be句型中 There is no smoke without fire There seems to be little time left There,here结构中,如果主语有好几个,谓语动词 与最邻近的主语一致。 There was a TV set, a portrait and several albums on the shelf
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1. for the people is a glorious death. a. To die b.Dead c. To be died d. Being died
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Jack is going to graduate from university soon, yet he hasn't found a proper job What am I supposed to do to find a job? Please, give me a hand
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till after, from behind, except in We stayed there till after the sunset He picked up the gun from behind the counter The weather has been fine except in the north
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三种基本形式 If had a bike.I would lend it to you(f从句用过去时,主句用 should/ would/ could/ mighti不定式) If he had been here he would have helped you(从句过去完成时,主句 should would/ could/ might+不定式完成时) I would do it some other wa(从句用 should/ were to3主句用 should/woud could /might+不定式)
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(一)、成土矿物 (二)、土粒的粒组 (三)、土粒的分析方法 (四)、土粒的级配
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1.2给水排水系统工作原理 1.2.1.给水排水系统的流量关系 1.取水构筑物和水处理构筑物的设计流量 主要取决于级泵站和水厂的工作情况,通常是连续均匀 地工作 原因是:
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核磁共振 核磁共振(NMR)就是指处于某个静磁场中的物质的原子核系统受到相应频率的电 磁辐射时,在它们的磁能级之间发生的共振跃迁现象。它自问世以来已在物理、化学、 生物、医学等方面获得广泛应用,是测定原子的核磁矩和研究核结构的直接而准确的方 法,也是精确测量磁场的重要方法之一
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第一章大气运动的基本特征 1.气压梯度力、地转偏向力、重力的定义、表达式 和意义 2.大尺度系统的运动方程的简化方程式(一级、零 级 z系、p系)
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