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如果P(x,y)dx+(x,y)dy恰好是某一个 函数u=u(x,y)的全微分 那么方程P(x,y)dx+(x,y)dy=0就叫做全微 分方程
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如果一阶微分方程 =f(x,y) 中的函数f(x,y)可写成的函数,即f(x,y)=() 则称这方程为齐次方程
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4.1普通极值问题 设f(x1…,xn)是集合ScR\上的函数,如果对P=(x1,…,xn),存在P在R\中 的邻域U,使得ⅦP=(x1…xn)∈S∩U,恒有∫(x1…,x)≤∫(x19…,x2) (f(x1,…xn)≥f(x,…,x),则f(x0…,x)称为f(x1…,x)在S上的局部极大值
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一、平面极坐标 设一质点在Oxy平面内 y 运动,某时刻它位于点A.矢 径与x轴之间的夹角 A 为θ.于是质点在点A的位 θ 置可由A(r,)来确定 O 以(r,0)为坐标的参考系为平面极坐标系. x=rcos0 它与直角坐标系之间的变换关系为 y=rsinθ
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第十一章混凝土结构按《公路桥规》的设计原理 >某中桥矩形截面梁bh=200mm×500mm,跨中最大弯矩设 计值M=120×102Nmm,采用强度等级C30的混凝土和 HRB400钢筋,试进行配筋计算并进行钢筋布置
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③be=f(e,m)=f(F22) 使用条件F(负荷),以及发动机的性能, 如燃油喷射、压缩比,工况等 ③mr传动系的结构型式、技术状况、使用条件
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设计水质 1.生活污水的BOD和SS设计值 BOD5=20~35g/(人d) SS=30~50g/(人d)
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5 points/problem(20 points total) 1. Two hydrogels are prepared from two different candidate polymers for controlled release of a protein drug, interleukin-2(IL-2). The gels exhibit the same swelling ratio at equilibrium, but jel a (formed by cross-linked polymer A, repeat unit molecular weight Mo= 100 g/mole)has a molecular weight between cross-links of 3,000 g/mole, while gel B (formed from cross linked polymer B, Mo=95 g/mole) has a molecular weight between crosslinks of
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Binary dependent variables Recall the linear probability model, which can be written as P(=1x)=Bo+xB a drawback to the linear probability model is that predicted values are not constrained to be between 0 and An alternative is to model the proba、,s a function, G(Bo+xB), where 0
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Dummy variables a dummy variable is a variable that takes on the value l or o Examples: male(= 1 if are male, O otherwise), south(=l if in the south, 0 otherwise), etc dummy variables are also called binar variables. for obvious reasons Economics 20- Prof anderson
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