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Objectives of the class (1)A better understanding of \writing\ (2)A better understanding of what the students have brought into the
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Lecture 5 Sequence Paragraph Objectives To learn what a sequence paragraph is To learn to write an effective sequence paragraph Writing instructions wha at is a sequence paragrap h?
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Content 1. summary of last article 2. exchange writing activity 3. a brief introduction of types of essays 4. Writing Is a process 5. writing is a social act 6.Task: write a story about yourself to your classmates
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Unit 1 In production Objective of the class (1) A better understanding\writing\ what, why,and how (2)Building up confidence of long writing by the first article 3)Survey of computer skills Task (1) Take notes about what teacher says in class
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Objectives (1).Writing competence (paragraph level) ·and4: Write150-to-200- word article in 30 minutes/ a piece of 60-word applied writing in 10 minutes. ( 2) thinking ability (classification, analysis, contrast or comparison etc) (3) basic computer skills (handling files and editing via Microsoft word...)
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(1). Writing competence(paragraph level) Band 4: Write a 150-to- 200-word article in 30 minutes/ a piece of 60 ord applied writing in 10 minutes (2)thinking ability(classification, analysis, contrast or comparison etc)
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Unit. 2 (personal narrative) Objectives 1. Exchange topics (both narrative and descriptive) 2. Know more about the several important things
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Unit 2 1. Exposition(folk customs) Deadline of submission to website: 10.17(graded) Extra-curriculum activities k web-pagescredits, world-e-citizen certificate journals(credits)
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Content Teacher -led discussion about \Writing\ Lecture: language learning and teaching theories and practice Need analysis survey Preliminary plan of the term
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Objectives The learners should be able to: (1) write an test-article with statistics (2)understand the different functions of different graphs. (3). write simple authentic report making use of statistics (4) convert text to graphs and insert graphs via word processor
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