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一、什么是社会分层 (social stratification)依据一定的标准把社会成员区分为高低有序的不同等级和层次的过程与现象
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《社会学概论》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第八讲 社会分层、第九讲 社会流动
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第一节社会心理学的产生和发展 社会心理学的产生与发展,大体经历三个时期: 思辨期即在哲学怀抱中出现并积累社会心理思想阶 段; 经验描绘期即在母体学科(心理学、社会学)中孕育并 脱胎而成为具有最初学科形式的成型阶段;
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一、城市管理的理论基础 城市管理是涉及城市学、管理学、经济学 、社会学、规划学、地理学、生态学、法 学、行政学,甚至外交学等多种学科的、 理论基础深厚的科学
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一、教学目的和任务 二、教学原则和方法 三、重点难点(提纲中带*者) 四、教学实施计划
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Sntroduction to Sociology I. Socialization A. Its Meaning and Importance B. Feral Children C. Total Institutions and Resocialization -video clip on military resocialization D. Basic Research Findings 1. Human (Biophysical) Development
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Sntroduction to Sociology Video clip from SEIU, Stronger real Together: Invisible No More ll. Explaining Social Stratification S50 Billion a stack of $100 Bills 50 kilometers high-> A. Functionalist [ozone Layer] explanations
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Sociological Lessons from the Titanic ll. Defining Sociology A. Is it a science? And what does this mean? B. What are social facts? Why was Durkheim's study of suicide so important? C. What do sociologists study? (What is their unit of analysis?) E. Is sociology micro or macro? Do they study the big picture or the little picture? F. Is sociology global? In what sense?
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Cntroduction to Sociology Welcome to this course! . Three Goals of this Course ll. This Course's Online Syllabus and Requirements lll. Three Visions of Sociology: Improving Society, Science, Interpretation
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