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Medical Genetics Genetic counseling is the process evaluating family history and medical records ordering genetic tests evaluating the results of this investigation helping parents understand and reach decisions about what to do next
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Medical Genetics Genes are entities that parents pass to offspring during reproduction
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Medical Genetics Gene Mutation Change in genes caused by change in structure of the DNA
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1. What is gene therapy? Genes, which are carried on chromosomes, are the basic physical and functional units of heredity. Genes are specific sequences of bases that encode instructions on how to make proteins
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Medical Genetics Multifactorial inheritance is responsible for the greatest number of individuals that will need special care or hospitalization because of genetic diseases
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Medical Genetics What is a population from a genetic perspective? A population in the genetic sense, is not just a group of individuals, but a breeding group
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《医学遗传学 Medical Genetics》课程教学资源(教学大纲)
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一、质量性状和数量性状 二、多基因遗传的特征 三、阈值学说 四、遗传率和遗传率的计算 五、多基因病的特点 六、多基因病发病风险的估计
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一、mtDNA结构和遗传特点 二、线粒体病的类型
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一、重组DNA技术 二、分子杂交技术 三、PCR技术及应用
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