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8-1 LED 显示器接口 8-2 键盘与单片机接口 8-3 D/A转换器接口 8-4 A/D转换器接口
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• 串行通信的基本概念 • 可编程串行I/O接口8251A • 8251A应用举例
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• Application: Zone melting Morphology Instability of a S/L interface • Constitutional undercooling • Morphological instability of a S/L interface
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SQL in a Programming Environment embedded SQL persistent stored modules Database-Connection Libraries Call-level interface (CLI) JDBC PHP
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International Trade What determines whether a country imports or exports a good?
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一、计算机检测系统基本组成框图 二、传感器选择 三、多路模拟开关 四、A/D转换器 五、D/A转换器 六、取样保持电路
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2.1 Basic Concept 2.2 Determining Degree of Freedom 2.3 How does a kinematic chains transform into a mechanism? 2.4 Kinematic Diagram of Mechanism 2.5 Principle of Mechanism Constitution
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语言仅仅是一种编码的想法似乎很容易被人们接受,很多人在学生时代至少学过一种外语, 因此,我们知道在英语中“c a t”(猫)也可以被叫作g a t o、c h a t、K a t z e、K O I I I K或k a p a。 然而,数字不那么容易随文化的不同而改变。不论那种语言,也不管怎样读那些数字, 地球上我们能够遇到的几乎所有的人都用同样的方式来写数字:
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一、典型例题 例1.计算a-x2dx(a>0) 解:设x=asint,则dx x=acostdt,且
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:802KB 文档页数:78
Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A 1. A) It was misleading. B) It was enjoyable. C) It was rather boring. D) It was just so-so
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