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The particular reading skill introduced for this unit is reading for the main idea in a paragraph. This skill is one of the most useful reading skills students can develop. Finding the main idea is necessary for the understanding of a piece of writing. Ⅰ. Reading Skills: Reading for the Main Ideas in Paragraphs
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Compound dictation Questions & Answers Watch & Discuss Main idea and devices for developing it How to apply to our real life the typical expressions and patterns taken from the text Blank filling All the exercises for Section A 说明文写作技巧 Pre-reading Activities Expressions & Patterns Exercises Text Analysis Summary Paragraph Writing
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肖宏,1967年2月出生, 安徽省阜阳市人。现任中国科学院上海生命科学 信息中心主任。兼任《中国药理学报》和《亚洲男科学杂志》编辑部主 任,《家庭用药》杂志总编辑,中国期刊协会理事,中国科技期刊编辑 学会理事,上海市期刊协会副会长, 上海市科技期刊编辑学会副理事长等 职务
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1982年北京大学毕业后入选CUSBEA留美项目,1983年赴美 国加州大学洛山矶分校攻读博士学位。1988年获博士学位后在 加州理工学院从事博士后研究。1991年到卡罗拉多大学执教, 先后任助理教授、副教授、教授。97年被遴选为著名的休斯医 学研究所研究员。发现Ras途径在发育中的作用,所领导的研 究组在细胞信号转导和发育方面有诸多重要贡献,在Cell, Nature, Science等刊物上发表了多篇论文并获专利2项
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许田教授 82年复旦大学遗传专业毕业,87年获耶鲁大学生物学专业 硕士学位、90年获博士学位,90年-93年在UC-Berkeley从事博 士后研究。93到耶鲁大学执教,先后任助理教授、副教授、教 授、系副主任和休斯医学研究所成员
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丁 昇 2002年毕业于复旦大学生命科学学院。2002年至今为复 旦大学发育生物学研究所发育生物学专业直博研究生。 本科期间多次获得复旦大学人民奖学金一、二、三等奖, 并被评为1999-2000学年复旦大学三好学生和2002年复旦 大学优秀毕业生
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一、参加一个成功的科研项目中去(实验课学不会实验) 二、 与导师和其他科研人员的交流 三、仔细观察、虚心学习、不断积累 四、“功夫不负有心人
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Pre-reading Activities Background Information 1. Manhattan is a suburb of New York. 2. Brooklyn is a suburb of New York. 3. Ebbets Field is the stadium built by and named after Charlie Ebbets, the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team. The first game played in this former home of the Brooklyn Dodgers took place in 1938. The Dodgers no longer play for Brooklyn. For more information, visit
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II. Listening Skills Listening for names 1. Doris: Good morning. Can I help you? David: Yes. I need to change one of my courses Doris: I'll see what we can do. What's your name, please? David: My names David Brown Doris: Your first name again? David: David. D-A-V-L-D
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Ⅱ. Listening skills 1-12-a3-f4b5-c6-d7-h 9 III. Listening In Task 1: The Influence of Advertising Richard: Dad. I a pair of new shoes for an important basketball game. My old ones look
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