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Pre-reading Activities Structure of the Passage Intensive Study Expressions Patterns After-reading Activities Translation Writingo
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《新视野大学英语》课程PPT教学课件(第二册)New Horizon College English新视野大学英语 Book Two Unit Nine Section A Stop Brain Drain
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《新视野大学英语》课程PPT教学课件(第二册)New Horizon College English新视野大学英语 Book Two Unit Two Section A Environmental Protection Throughout the World
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1982年沈阳药学院药学系毕业,1984年获中国医科大学硕士学位, 1990年获北卡罗来那大学博土学位。1991-1995年在北卡罗来纳大学 和拜耳集团制药部从事博士后研究工作。1995年起任上海医科大学教 授,现为教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授、复旦大学药理研究中心 主任、巛 Molecular pain》等国内外刊物编委。 回国后在《Ce1l》等SCI刊物发表论文50余篇,研究结果揭示了 蛋白激酶在药物耐受成瘾中的关键作用和调节阿片类药物作用的新机 制,发现G蛋白偶联受体调控基因表达的表观遗传学新途径
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第一单元词汇辨析: unlike, dislike, alike, unlikely, likeness, likely, likelihood 1. He bears a striking to his brother. 2. He is very his father
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➢ Section A: Learning a Foreign Language 1. New words 2. Useful expressions 3. Language points ➢ Section B: Keys to Successful Online Learning TEXT
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T'ext Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It HOME New words Main idea of the Main idea of eachtext and devices part and devices Text for developing it for developing it Transcript Devices
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O(HOME Text Analysis: Main Idea and devices for Developing It New words Main idea of the Main idea of each & text and devices part and devices for developing it for developing it
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Structure Analysis Central topic: Time-conscious Americans (\Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being laborpara.1)
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《新视野大学英语》课程PPT教学课件(第二册)New Horizon College English Book 2 Unit 5 Stop Brain Drain
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