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《新视野大学英语》课程PPT教学课件(第二册)New Horizon College English新视野大学英语 Book Two Unit Two Section A Environmental Protection Throughout the World


New Horizon College english Book wO Unit Two

Book Two New Horizon College English Unit Two

Section A Environmental Protection Throughout the World

Environmental Protection Throughout the World Section A

Pre-reading Activities Structure of the Passage Intensive Stod Expressions. Patterns After-reading Activities TRanslation

Intensive Study After-reading Activities Structure of the Passage Expressions & Patterns Translation Writing Pre-reading Activities

ntensive Stud Environmental Protection Throughout the World Para. 1 Introduction In most parts of the world, environmental awareness does not exist. The great majority of nations concern themselves with economic development, regardless of its effect on the global ecology. But in recent years, as environmental damage has increased, signs of change have sprung up in various pockets around the world. The following are a few examples of countries undertaking new environmental initiatives

Environmental Protection Throughout the World Para.1 Introduction In most parts of the world, environmental awareness does not exist. The great majority of nations concern themselves with economic development, regardless of its effect on the global ecology. But in recent years, as environmental damage has increased, signs of change have sprung up in various pockets around the world. The following are a few examples of countries undertaking new environmental initiatives. Intensive Study

Para. 2 Canada When European explorers first came to the New World, the fishing grounds off what would become eastern Canada and New England held abundant cod and other species. The area, called the Grand Banks, was the most abundant fishing ground in the world 4 Para. 3 Now, 500 years later, excessive fishing has reduced the number of fish to dangerously low levels. In response, Canada has closed the area to cod fishing and set strict limits on catches of other species

Para. 2 Canada When European explorers first came to the New World, the fishing grounds off what would become eastern Canada and New England held abundant cod and other species. The area, called the Grand Banks, was the most abundant fishing ground in the world. Para.3 Now, 500 years later, excessive fishing has reduced the number of fish to dangerously low levels. In response, Canada has closed the area to cod fishing and set strict limits on catches of other species

Para. 4 When Canada took similar measures to protect the supply of herring in the 1970s, the fish eventually recovered. But experts say that some species today have been so wasted, they may never recover. The government also faces protests from Canadian fishermen. About 40.000 are now unemployed as a result of the fishing bans and loss of their fish supply

Para.4 When Canada took similar measures to protect the supply of herring in the 1970s, the fish eventually recovered. But experts say that some species today have been so wasted, they may never recover. The government also faces protests from Canadian fishermen. About 40,000 are now unemployed as a result of the fishing bans and loss of their fish supply

Para. 5 Costa Rica This Central American country has one of the most ambitious programs in the world to preserve the ecological diversity of its tropical rain forests. Much of the country has already been clear-cut, and soil erosion has been extensive. But a series of new environmental laws, together with the creation of parks and nature preserves that cover one quarter of the country, are aimed at protecting Costa Rica's remaining forests

Para.5 Costa Rica This Central American country has one of the most ambitious programs in the world to preserve the ecological diversity of its tropical rain forests. Much of the country has already been clear-cut, and soil erosion has been extensive. But a series of new environmental laws, together with the creation of parks and nature preserves that cover one quarter of the country, are aimed at protecting Costa Rica’s remaining forests

Para. 6 Brazil Brazil is home to the world's largest jungle rain forest. the Amazon For decades. the government sought to colonize and develop the Amazon, bringing severe environmental disaster to the area and its people F1) Para. 7 But in 1991, under pressure from environmentalists around the world. Brazil reversed course. It ended tax favors that had encouraged clearing of the Amazon rain forest, and agreed to a plan to finance new forest protection projects

Para. 6 Brazil Brazil is home to the world’s largest jungle rain forest, the Amazon. For decades, the government sought to colonize and develop the Amazon, bringing severe environmental disaster to the area and its people. Para.7 But in 1991, under pressure from environmentalists around the world, Brazil reversed course. It ended tax favors that had encouraged clearing of the Amazon rain forest, and agreed to a plan to finance new forest protection projects

Para.8 Cattle farmers, miners, and settlers have protested the move and continue to destroy the forests, although at a slower pace than before. The conflict enlarged last year when miners killed a group of Amazon Indians in order to seize their land. The government promises it will protect the region's native people, but questions remain as to its true level of commitment

Para. 8 Cattle farmers, miners, and settlers have protested the move and continue to destroy the forests, although at a slower pace than before. The conflict enlarged last year when miners killed a group of Amazon Indians in order to seize their land. The government promises it will protect the region’s native people, but questions remain as to its true level of commitment

5 Para. 9 Eastern Europe The nations of Eastern Europe, including Poland, Hungary, and the Czech and Slovak Republics, are considered the most polluted of all the world's industrialized countries Heavy metals from coal mining have contaminated much of the area's waters Rivers, land and forests are so contaminated that many are now biologically dead

Para. 9 Eastern Europe The nations of Eastern Europe, including Poland, Hungary, and the Czech and Slovak Republics, are considered the most polluted of all the world’s industrialized countries. Heavy metals from coal mining have contaminated much of the area’s waters. Rivers, land, and forests are so contaminated that many are now biologically dead

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