English pronunciation for Communication A Course for chinese efl learners Units Phonological Listening Speaking Speaking- Listening& Listening Pronunciation in Items functions Basic Concepts:Greetings Number of stress:A Full vowel; Sounds for Stress patterns Listening for Greetings: Syllables, Stress farewell Stressed syllables, A Diphthong: information for information& Saying hello: One syllable to communication mitation Saying hello and Stress patterns, Stress in a Sentence Stressed and stressed I syllables Consonants: Stops Introducing Checking Sounds for Stress Listening Introducing yourself others/yourself Discrimination; Discrimination informationfor information&Introducing your comm on imitation friend to someone Describing an Checking Sounds for Stress patterns Listening for Talking about your Discrimination. Discrimination informationfor information& job, Affricates Talking about Sounds for communication imitation Describing an object Consonants: Getting Checking Sounds for Stress patterns Listening for Getting information Discrimination information for information&Giving information pproximants& information Sounds for communicationimitation teral(s) information
1 English Pronunciation for Communication -- A Course for Chinese EFL Learners Units Phonological items Language functions Listening Speaking Speaking – pair work Listening & Speaking Listening Pronunciation in Communication 1 Basic Concepts: Syllables, Stress & Rhythm Greetings & farewell Number of stress; Stressed syllables; Word stress; Stress patterns; Stress in a Sentence A Full vowel; A Diphthong; One syllable to the next; Stressed and unstressed syllables Sounds for information Stress patterns for communication Listening for information & imitation Greetings; Saying hello; Saying hello and good-bye 2 Consonants: Stops Introducing others/yourself Checking; Discrimination; Sounds for information Imitation; Discrimination Sounds for information Stress patterns for communication Listening for information & imitation Introducing yourself; Introducing your friend to someone 3 Consonants: Fricatives and Affricates Describing an object; Talking about one’s job Checking; Discrimination; Sounds for information Imitation; Discrimination Sounds for information Stress patterns for communication Listening for information & imitation Talking about your job; Describing an object 4 Consonants: Nasals, Approximants & Literal(s) Getting & giving information Checking; Discrimination; Sounds for information Imitation; Discrimination Sounds for information Stress patterns for communication Listening for information & imitation Getting information; Giving information
Vowels: Front Giving& asking Checking Sounds for Stress patterns Listening for Inviting someone to Vowels Central for reasons Discriminatio Information& do something Vowels Sounds for communication Imitation Giving reasons why Vowels Back Sounds for Stress patterns Listening for Giving information Vowels Discrimination. Discriminationinformation information& Making suggestions communication mitation informat Expressing likes Checking: Sounds for Stress patterns Listening Finding out and Diphthongs dislikes Discrimination Discrimination informationfor information&expressing what Sounds for communication imitation he/she likes or information Stressed Syllables Expressing Full vowel or Word stress for Stress patterns Listening forExpressing Unstressed excitement& Identifying reduced reduced vowel information& excitement or Syllables Stress in Shift of stress communication imitation surprise when Stress in compound compound appropriate syllables, Word stress for information Stressed Words& Offering Checking tress patterns Word stress for Stress patterns Listening for Making invitation Unstressed Words help/things Identifying schwa in and schwa in information& Offering things and in a sentence words phrases and words phrases communicationimitation and sentences. Expressing likes and
2 5 Vowels: Front Vowels & Central Vowels Giving & asking for reasons Checking; Discrimination; Sounds for information Imitation; Discrimination Sounds for information Stress patterns for communication Listening for Information & Imitation Inviting someone to do something; Giving reasons why you cannot do something 6 Vowels: Back Vowels Making suggestions Checking; Discrimination; Sounds for information Imitation; Discrimination Sounds for information Stress patterns for communication Listening for information & imitation Giving information; Making suggestions 7 Vowels: Diphthongs Expressing likes & dislikes Checking; Discrimination; Sounds for information Imitation; Discrimination Sounds for information Stress patterns for communication Listening for information & imitation Finding out and expressing what he/she likes or dislikes 8 Stressed Syllables & Unstressed Syllables Expressing excitement & surprise Checking; Identifying reduced vowels; Stress in compound nouns; Number of syllables; Word stress for information Full vowel or reduced vowel; Stress in compound nouns Word stress for information; Shift of stress Stress patterns for communication Listening for information & imitation Expressing excitement or surprise when appropriate 9 Stressed Words & Unstressed Words in a Sentence Offering help/things Checking; Identifying schwa in words phrases and sentences; Stress patterns and schwa in words phrases and sentences; Word stress for information Stress patterns for communication Listening for information & imitation Making invitation; Offering things and help; Expressing likes and
Information words dislikes In sentences Stress and Strong Forms and Asking for& Checking, Stress patterns Listening for Asking for advice Weak Forms giving advice Identifying weak and the use of information& Giving advice Strong forms weak forms for imitation Filling in the communication missing words, forms hrases and weak forms sentences lI Asking for& Checking, Linking words Pair reading Stress patterns Listening for Asking for Identifying ways of in a sense group and the use of information& permissions, permission linking words in inking for mitation Giving/refusing ense groups communication Rhythm of Making requests Checking: Stress patterns Listening for Making requests, English Speech Length of vowels; Stress patterns information & Making Identifying stress and rhythmic rhythm for communication rhythmic patterns, Rhythm and thythm and linking, linking, weak weak form and syllable duration syllable duration
3 Information words in sentences; Stress and information dislikes 10 Strong Forms and Weak Forms Asking for & giving advice Checking; Identifying weak forms; Filling in the missing words; Weak forms in phrases and sentences Imitation; Identification; Strong forms and weak forms; Vowels in the weak forms Stress patterns and the use of weak forms for communication Listening for information & imitation Asking for advice; Giving advice 11 Linking Asking for & giving permission Checking; Identifying ways of linking words in sense groups; Dictation Linking words in a sense group; Pair reading Stress patterns and the use of linking for communication Listening for information & imitation Asking for permissions; Giving/refusing permission; 12 Rhythm of English Speech Making requests Checking; Length of vowels; Identifying stress patterns and rhythmic patterns; Rhythm and linking, weak form, and syllable duration Imitation; Stress patterns and rhythmic patterns; Rhythm and linking, weak form, and syllable duration Stress patterns and the right rhythm for communication Listening for information & imitation Making requests; Making appointments
13 Types of Asking& Identifying: Imitation: Using the right Stress patterns Listening for Asking for Intonation in and intonation information& directions directions Rising intonation; ImItation Giving directions communication Intonation UnitsMaking Pair reading: Intonation for Listening for omparing two of english comparisons Identifying the Nucleus of an using the right communication: information& universities nucleus of an intonation unit; intonatic Identify ing the head and tail of pre-head, head and an intonation tail of an intonation unit 15 Functions Uses Complaining&Identifying the apologizing function of of intonation; information communication: information& Making apologies Intonation Intonation mitation sing the right ntonation for Intonation varIous
4 13 Types of Intonation in English Asking & giving directions Identifying; Falling intonation; Rising intonation; Falling-rising intonation; Imitation:; Falling intonation; Rising intonation; Falling-rising intonation; Using the right intonation; Stress patterns and intonation for communication Listening for information & imitation Asking for directions; Giving directions 14 Intonation Units of English Making comparisons Checking; Identifying the nucleus of an intonation unit; Identifying the pre-head, head and tail of an intonation unit Imitation; Nucleus of an intonation unit; The pre-head, head and tail of an intonation unit Pair reading: using the right intonation Intonation for communication: Listening for information & imitation Comparing two universities 15 Functions & Uses of English Intonation Complaining & apologizing Identifying the function of intonation; Using the right intonation The right choice of intonation; The use of intonation for various functions Intonation for information Intonation for communication: Listening for information & imitation Making complains; Making apologies 16 Revision