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1.以累加器A为目的操作数的指令 2.以Rn为目的操作数的指令
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2.1MCS-51单片机基本配置 2.2MCS-51单片机引脚 2.3时钟电路 2.4复位电路 2.5MCS-51单片机存储器配置
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1.1单片机简介 1.2数制及其转换 1.3其它概念
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9.1A/D转换器接口 9.2D/A转换器接口
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8.1串口通讯基础 8.2串口控制 8.3串行接口的工作方式 8.4串口的应用 8.5多机通讯 8.6MCS51与PC机通讯电路
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7.1随机读写存储器RAM的扩展 7.2只读存储器ROM的扩展 7.3地址译码的方法 7.4并行接口芯片8155
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10.1常用接口器件 10.2常用接口设计
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I. Dictation II. Grammar 1. The slave from morning until night. A. made to work B. was made working C. was made worked D. was made to work
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I. Dictation II. Cloze Test: Fill in each blank of the following passage with an appropriate word: 1. The aim of education is to stimulate impulses, encourage free thinking and boldness in thought and keep alive various interests. But the single sex(). by following the
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:82KB 文档页数:17
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