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MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.003: Signals and Systems-Fall 2003 COMPUTER LAB 3
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Today's modern communication technology is quite advanced. It is optical fibers and lasers, together with the striking improvements in computing that have made such remarkable communication possible. By using the telephone-line with expanded capacity, people can send messages not only in the form of sound but also in written words graphs and even moving pictures on the Internet
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L. Introduction 1. Introductory Remarks The pace of scientific and technological progress appears to speed up all the time. New inventions appear and quickly make hundreds of existing devices and procedures out of date. The computer technology is just one of the few most exciting current scientific
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10.1脉冲信号与脉冲电路 10.2集成门构成的脉冲单元电路 10.3555定时器及其应用
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7.1概述 7.2顺序存取存储器(SAM) 7.3随机存取存储器(RAM) 7.4只读存储器(ROM)
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1.介绍构成时序逻辑电路的基本逻辑单元—触发器。以及它的各种电路结构和动作特点。 2.每一种触发器的逻辑功能
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3.1晶体管的开关特性 3.2TL集成逻辑门 3.3ECL集成逻辑门与I2L电路 3.4Ms逻辑门 3.5cmos电路
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1.1 数字信号 1.2 数制及其转换 1.3 二─十进制代码(BCD代码) 1.4 算术运算与逻辑运算 1.5 数字电路
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设计可控的计数器、寄存器、译码及显示驱动电路。 设计系统顶层电路 进行功能仿真和时序仿真
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脉冲与数字电路实验的目的是:培养学生掌握脉冲与数字电路的实验技能,掌握集 电路的使用规则和实验电路的布线方法。要求学生在实验原理指导下,熟悉和掌握常用 中、大规模集成电路的功能和在实际中应用的方法,具备基本电路的设计能力。培养学生 检查与排除电路故障
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