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4.1 叠加定理 4.2 替代定理 4.3 戴维宁定理和诺顿定理 4.4 最大功率传输定理
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物理学名词中英文对照 量子理论 quantum theory 量子力学 quantum mechanIcs 量子化
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Capital Structure The Modigliani and Miller capital structure and payout policy theorems were the result of the practical questions\How should a firm choose its capital structure\. The theory that we covered last time clarified the nature of the modigliani and miller result
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按照第一章最后一节设定的思路,在介绍了技术差异对国际贸易的决定作用之后,下一 步自然是该放宽第二项条件,即放松各国相对要素禀赋相同这一假设,从要素禀赋差异角度, 来探讨国际贸易的起因与影响。本章主要目的就是介绍从要素禀赋差异角度解释国际贸易基 础的基本理论——要素禀赋理论(Factor Endowment Theory)要素禀赋理论最早是由两位瑞 典经济学家—赫克歇尔(Eli Heckscher)和俄林( Bertil Ohlin)师生俩提出的,后经萨缪 尔森(Paul Samuelson)等人不断加以完善
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§20-6 The infinite Potential Well 一维无限深的势阱 Introduction 引言 §20-1 Atomic Spectra 原子光谱的规律性 §20-2 Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom 玻尔的氢原子理论 §20-3 De Broglie’s Postulate and Matter Waves 德布罗意波 粒波二象性 §20-4 The Uncertainty Principle 不确定度关系 §20-5 The Wave Function and Schrodinger Equation 波函数 薛定谔方程
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一、 Duality对偶 二、 Dual Problem对偶问题 三、 Dual Linear Programming 四、对偶线性规划 五、 Dual Theory对偶理论
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November 21, 2001 Ethical Egoism Here are three questions (of course there are others)we might want an ethical theory to answer for us: i)Which acts are right and which are wrong? Which acts ought we to perform(understandir the\ought\ as moral \ought\)? ii)What makes a particular action right or wrong? What is it about the action that determines its moral status? ii)How do we know what is right and wrong? Remember that according to relativism, whether an action is right or wrong
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MIT OCW DATA COMMUNICATION CONTENTS Lectures 2 The Data Link Layer: Framing and Error Detection Lectures 3 4 The Data link layer: arQ Protocols Lectures 5 6 Introduction to Queueing Theory Lectures 8&9 M/G/I Queues
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Gaming and Strategic Decisions Dominant Strategies The Nash Equilibrium Revisited Repeated Games
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Introduction The notion of subgame perfection is the cornerstone of the theory of extensive games. It embodies its key intuitions-and provides a vivid example of the difficulties inherent in such a theor But, above all, it has proved to be extremely profitable in a variety of applications. More- over, it has spawned a huge theoretical literature which has attempted(often successfully
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