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The Market for Corporate Control Sensible Motives for mMergers Dubious Reasons for Mergers Evaluating Mergers Merger Tactics Leveraged Buy-Outs Mergers and the Economy
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Call Option Right to buy an asset at a specified exercise price on or before the exercise date. Put Option Right to sell an asset at a specified exercise price on or before the exercise date
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Venture Capital The Initial Public Offering The Underwriters General Cash Offers The Private Placement
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Organizing Business The Role of The Financial Manager Financial Markets Who Is The Financial Manager Corporate Goals Incentives Value Maximization
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Measuring Beta Portfolio Betas CAPM and Expected Return Security market Line Capital Budgeting and Project Risk
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Topics Covered Rates of Return 973 Years of Capital Market History Measuring Risk Risk Diversification Thinking About Risk
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Topics Covered Discounted Cash Flows. NetProfits OIncremental Cash Flows STreatment of Inflation Separation of Investment Financing Decisions SExample: Blooper Industries Irwin/McGraw-Hill
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课程简介 《基础会计》课程是一门专业基础课,是会计学科的入门课程,也是学习其他经济管理 类课程的必备知识 《基础会计》课程将全面系统地介绍会计的基本理论、基本技术和基本方法。全书共十 六章,课堂讲授的内容有十二章,包括:第一章总论;第二章会计要素与会计等式;第三章 会计核算基础;第四章账户与复式记账;第五章制造业企业主要经济业务的核算;第七章成 本计算:第八章会计凭证;第九章会计账簿;第十章财产清查:第十一章财务报告:第十二 章会计核算组织程序;第十六章会计工作组织
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目录 第一章总论 第二章账户与复式记账 第三章复式记账的运用 第四章账户的分类 第五章会计凭证 第六章账簿 第七章账务处理程序 第八章财产清查 第九章财务会计报告 第十章会计工作的组织及发展
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一、会计报表附表 企业对外提供的会计报表附表包括利润分配表、资产减值准备明细表、所有者权益(或股东权益)增减变动表、应交增值税明细表、分部报表以及其他有关附表
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