Golden rice: two European scientists created a new strain of rice enriched in B-carotene, which the body uses to make vitamin A. This is a kind of transgenic plant(转基因植物)
10.1 Acids donate protons, bases accept them Sulfuric acid is the number one manufactured chemical 85 billion pounds (40,000,000tons) annually in US. Acid has “sour taste
6. 1 An atomic model is needed to understand how atoms bond Electrons in the outermost occupied shell of any atom are responsible for the atom's chemical properties. The electrons that participate in chemical bonding are called valence electrons(价电子), the shell they
Chemical reactions happen in nature to produce natural substance, and even living organism. Chemical reactions have been used by us to produce millions of substance that do not exist in nature. Chemical reactions are the central part of the chemical sciences
3.1 Chemistry developed out of interest in materials The ability to control fire allowed ancient people to prepare copper(7000 years ago) and iron (3200 years ago) for tools and weapons
Chapter 1 Chemistry is a Science of Change water molecule is consisted of one oxygen(氧) atom and two hydrogen(氢) atoms A cup of water contains about 1024 water molecules