Chapter 1: Chemistry is a science of change a water molecule is consisted of one oxygen(氧) atom and two hydrogen(氢) atoms A cup of water contains about 1024 water molecules Looking at he World of Aroms and Molecules 化 学
Chapter 1: Chemistry is a Science of Change A water molecule is consisted of one oxygen (氧) atom and two hydrogen (氢) atoms. A cup of water contains about 1024 water molecules
Chemistry is the study of how atoms(原子) combine to form materials.(化学是研究原子组合成材料 的科学) How many different types of atom: 114 so far They are listed (according to their structure and properties) in the periodic table(元素周期表)
Chemistry is the study of how atoms (原子) combine to form materials. (化学是研究原子组合成材料 的科学) How many different types of atom: 114 so far. They are listed (according to their structure and properties) in the periodic table (元素周期表)
Modern periodic Table IA 3 151617 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A HI 6 3B SB 6B 7B 8B IB 2B 1 21 Period I M 46 51 Nb Mo Te Ru Rh A d In sb oD n At R 7)1;8 Metals s岛劉〓闢 Lu Metalloids s;Ⅻc黜 2.4
Period Group Alkali Metal Noble Gas Halogen Alkali Earth Metal 2.4
MASS VoLUME 102L 102L g Earths atmosphere Earth Earth's atmosphere 101L F Living matter on Earth-H10g Lake Superior MACROSCO Total human population-L10g Petroleum burned each day in the U.S 10°g olympic-sized swimming pool 10°g 1 liter of water--10'g 10PL-HHuman body 10°g L Aspirin tablet Golf ball °L Red blood cell MICROSCOPIC 1015L Bacterium virus 10g SUBMICROSCOPIC 10 24L Water molecule 21 Water molecule Oxygen atom 10 drogen atom
Some atoms link together to form molecules(分子 and molecules are organized to form materials So Chemistry can also be defined as the study of matter and the transformations it can go.(化学 是研究物质和物质转变的科学) Now millions of molecules have been found or synthesized(合成, and they form the complexity of the earth and the life The materials can be alloys, fertilizers pharmaceuticals, polymers, computer chips, DNA, and more
Some atoms link together to form molecules (分子) and molecules are organized to form materials. So Chemistry can also be defined as the study of matter and the transformations it can go. (化学 是研究物质和物质转变的科学) Now millions of molecules have been found or synthesized (合成), and they form the complexity of the earth and the life. The materials can be alloys, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, polymers, computer chips, DNA, and more
1. Chemistry is a central science Trans parent matrixof Electrical energy from processed silicon a fossil fuel or nuclear power pl Chemically disinfected Metal alloy drinking water Caffeine soluticn Roasting carbohydrates Thermoset polymer- fats, proteins, and vitamins Natural gas laced with poriferous sulful Prescription medicines compounds stored in refrigerator Fertilizer grownvegetable: Chloroflyorocarbon-free refigerating fluid Most of the material items in any modern house are shaped by some human-devised chemical process
1.1 Chemistry is a central science useful to our lives Most of the material items in any modern house are shaped by some human-devised chemical process
Chemistry and Materials science B-2战略轰炸机 每架造价高达22亿美元的B-战略轰炸机,是世上迄 今最昂贵的飞机。机身采用翼身融合、无尾翼的飞 翼构形,机翼前缘交接于机头处,机翼后缘呈锯齿 形。机身机翼大量采用石墨-碳纤维复合材料、蜂窝 状结构,表面有吸波涂层,发电机的喷口置于机翼 上方。这种独特的外形设计和材料,能有效地躲避 雷达的探测,达到良好的隐形效果
Chemistry and Materials Science B-2战略轰炸机 每架造价高达22亿美元的B-2战略轰炸机,是世上迄 今最昂贵的飞机。机身采用翼身融合、无尾翼的飞 翼构形,机翼前缘交接于机头处,机翼后缘呈锯齿 形。机身机翼大量采用石墨-碳纤维复合材料、蜂窝 状结构,表面有吸波涂层,发电机的喷口置于机翼 上方。这种独特的外形设计和材料,能有效地躲避 雷达的探测,达到良好的隐形效果
Chemistry A Science for the 21st Century Materials and Technology Polymers, ceramics, liquid crystals Room-temperature superconductors? Molecular computing? Food and agriculture Genetically modified crops o ● Natural” pesticides Specialized fertilizers
Chemistry: A Science for the 21st Century • Materials and Technology • Polymers, ceramics, liquid crystals • Room-temperature superconductors? • Molecular computing? • Food and Agriculture • Genetically modified crops • “Natural” pesticides • Specialized fertilizers 1.1
Chemistry and Biological science Sugar- phosphate backbone G 正 AI 日ases C 胸腺嘧啶(T) 腺嘌呤(A) H H A Hy drogen H bonds between bases DNA Double helix 胞嘧啶(C)¨鸟嘌呤(G)
Chemistry and Biological Science DNA Double Helix N O H O H3C H N N N N N H H H 胸腺嘧啶(T) 腺嘌呤(A) N N O H N N N O N H H H H H H 胞嘧啶(C) 鸟嘌呤(G)
Chemistry and Environmental science 1995年诺贝尔化学奖授予三位大气环境化 学家[墨西哥] Molina、[美] Rowland、[荷 兰] Crutzen。他们首先提出了平流层臭氧 破坏的化学机制,包括Nox理论 ( Crutzen)和CFCs( Rowland和 Molina) 理论。这些理论对南极“臭氧洞”的发 现,并导致《蒙特利尔议定书》的签定, 为保护全球环境作出了重大贡献
Chemistry and Environmental Science 1995年诺贝尔化学奖授予三位大气环境化 学家[墨西哥] Molina、[美] Rowland、[荷 兰] Crutzen。他们首先提出了平流层臭氧 破坏的化学机制,包括Nox理论 (Crutzen)和CFCs (Rowland和Molina) 理论。这些理论对南极“臭氧洞”的发 现,并导致《蒙特利尔议定书》的签定, 为保护全球环境作出了重大贡献